© Marie Perrin / Office du Tourisme de Lyon 

Topics of Lectures :

C.W. Beenakker :  

  1. 1a: Spintronics in inverted-gap semiconductors                           

  2. 1b: Topological Anderson insulators.

  3. 2: Majorana fermions in topological insulators.

H. Buhmann : Spin Hall Effects in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells

  1. 1: HgTe quantum wells and the quantum spin Hall effect

  2. 2: Spin Hall and quantum spin Hall effect

M.Z. Hasan :

  1. 1. Introduction to quantum Hall-like effects without magnetic field: Mini Tutorial.       

  2. Experimental Realization of 3D Topological Insulators: Spin-Momentum

  3. Locking and absence of backscattering

  4. 2. Experimental Roadmap toward topological quantum computing:

  5. Superconductivity and Magnetic impurity/proximity effects in a Topological

  6. Insulator Matrix.

J.E. Moore : 

  1. 1. Introduction to Berry phases in solids

  2. 2. Three-dimensional topological insulators and related materials

A. Vishwanath :

  1. 1. Topological Band Insulators : Models, topological metals and defects.

  2. 2. Topological Band Insulators : Topological defects (contd), correlation

  3. effects and perspectives.

S.-C. Zhang :

  1. 1. Models, Materials and Experiments of Topological Insulators

  2. 2.The General Theory of Topological Insulators

Topics of Talks :

C.-X. Liu :

  1. Realization of three dimensional and two dimensional topological insulators    

  2. in Bi2Se3  type of materials


B. Trauzettel :

  1. Phase-coherent transport in 2D topological insulators

Tentative Program : ProgrammeTopIso_v1.pdf