Publications of Antoine Scherrer
  1. Antoine Scherrer. Analyses statistiques des communications sur puce. Thèse de doctorat, École normale supérieure de Lyon, December 2006. [WWW]

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Antoine Scherrer, Nicolas Larrieu, Pierre Borgnat, Philippe Owezarski, and Patrice Abry. Non Gaussian and Long Memory Statistical Characterisations for Internet Traffic with Anomalies. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 4(1):56-70, 2007.

Conference articles
  1. P. Borgnat, N. Larrieu, P. Owezarski, P. Abry, J. Aussibal, L. Gallon, G. Dewaele, N. Nobelis, L. Bernaille, A. Scherrer, Y. Zhang, Y. Labit, and et al.. Détection d'attaques de dénis de service par un modèle non gaussien multirésolution. In Colloque francophone sur l'ingénierie des protocoles (CFIP), Tozeur, Tunisie, November 2006.

  2. Antoine Scherrer, Antoine Fraboulet, and Tanguy Risset. A Generic Multi-Phase On-Chip Traffic Generation Environment. In IEEE 17th International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP'06), Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA, September 2006.

  3. Antoine Scherrer, Antoine Fraboulet, and Tanguy Risset. Automatic Phase Detection for Stochastic On-Chip Traffic Generation. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), seoul, South Corea, pages 88 - 93, October 2006. ACM Press.

  4. Antoine Scherrer, Nicolas Larrieu, Pierre Borgnat, Philippe Owezarski, and Patrice Abry. Non Gaussian and Long Memory Statistical Modeling of Internet Traffic. In 4th International Workshop on Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurement (IPS MOME), Salzbourg, Austria, March 2006. [WWW]

  5. Antoine Scherrer, Nicolas Larrieu, Pierre Borgnat, Philippe Owezarski, and Patrice Abry. Une caractérisation non gaussienne et longue mémoire du trafic Internet et de ses anomalies. In 5th Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SAR), Seignosse, France, June 2006. [WWW]

  6. Antoine Scherrer, Antoine Fraboulet, and Tanguy Risset. Hardware-Software Fast and Accurate Prototyping with Soclib & MMAlpha. In Andy D. Pimentel and Stamatis Vassiliadis, editors, Computer Systems: Architecture, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2004), volume 3133 of LNCS, pages 453-462, July 2004. Springer Verlag.

  7. Antoine Scherrer, Tanguy Risset, and Antoine Fraboulet. Hardware Wrapper Classification and Requirements for On-Chip Interconnects. In Signaux, Circuits et Systèmes 2004, Monastir, Tunisie, pages 31-34, March 2004.

  8. Antoine Scherrer and Antoine Fraboulet. Étude de la couche transport des réseaux sur puce. In Symposium en Architecture et Adéquation Algorithme Architecture (SympAAA), La Colle sur Loup, France, October 2003.

Internal reports
  1. Antoine Scherrer, Antoine Fraboulet, and Tanguy Risset. Analysis and Synthesis of Cycle-Accurate On-Chip Traffic with Long-Range Dependence. Technical report 2005-53, LIP, ENS-Lyon, December 2005.

  2. Antoine Scherrer, Nicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski, and Patrice Abry. Non Gaussian and Long Memory Statistical Characterisations for Internet Traffic with Anomalies. Technical report 2005-35, LIP, ENS-Lyon, September 2005.

  1. Antoine Scherrer, Antoine Fraboulet, and Tanguy Risset. Hardware-Software Fast and Accurate Prototyping with Soclib & MMAlpha. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'04), University Booth Demonstration, February 2004.



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Last modified: Tue Dec 30 15:51:03 2014
Author: darte.

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