DOSMOS Publications

International Conferences with Program Commitee


[LR00] Laurent Lefèvre and Olivier Reymann. Combining low-latency communication protocols with multithreading for high performance DSM systems on clusters. In 8th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 333-340, Rhodes, Greece, January 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [ bib ]


[BLR96c] Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Olivier Reymann. Integration of Performance Evaluation Facilities into Distributed Shared Memory based Programming Environments. In TDP'96 - Telecommunication, Distribution, Parallelism, pages 279-294, La Londe Les Maures, France, June 1996. [ bib | .ps.gz ]
[BLR96d] Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Olivier Reymann. Monitoring and performance evaluation of distributed shared memory applications. In Second International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems, pages 382-389, Ischia, Italy, May 1996. Euromicro. [ bib ]
[BLR96b] Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Olivier Reymann. Execution Analysis of DSM Applications: A Distributed and Scalable Approach. In ACM Press, editor, SPDT'96 : SIGMETRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools, pages 51-60, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 1996. FCRC. [ bib ]
[BLR96a] Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Olivier Reymann. DOSMOS+ : A scalable Distributed Shared Memory environment including monitoring facilities. In Parallel Programming Environments for High Performance Computing, pages 165-168, Alpe d'Huez, France, April 1996. [ bib ]


[BL94] Lionel Brunie and Laurent Lefèvre. DOSMOS : A distributed shared memory based on P.V.M. In First european PVM users group meeting, Universita di Roma, October 1994. [ bib ]

National Conferences with Program Commitee


[BLR96] Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Olivier Reymann. Extensibilité et systèmes de mémoire distribuée virtuellement partagée. In MPR '96: Journées de Recherche sur La Mémoire Partagée Répartie, Bordeaux, France, May 1996. [ bib ]


[BL94] Lionel Brunie and Laurent Lefèvre. Modèle de mémoire distribuée-partagée pour machine massivement parallèle. In RenPar'6, Ecole normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, June 1994. [ bib | .ps.gz ]

Research Reports


[BLR96] Lionel Brunie, Laurent Lefèvre, and Olivier Reymann. Rapport eurotops année 4 : Le système dosmos. Technical report, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, December 1996. [ bib ]

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