Monday 19 Novembre 2012


09 H 00 /
9 H 15

Opening session by organizers - slides

Session 1, Chair Laurent Lefèvre

09 H 15 /
10 H 00

Keynote : Azeddine Gati, (Orange Labs, Issy les Moulineaux)
"How to make green future networks"
- slides

10 H 00 /
10 H 30

Chris Develder, (Ghent University, IBBT, Belgium)
"Power-saving strategies for optical grids/clouds"
- slides

10 H 30 /
11 H 00

Hugues Tournier, (Ciena, Canada)
"Power Dissipation Challenges in Optical Transport Systems and Proposed Solutions"
- slides

11 H 00 /
11 H 30


Session 2, Chair Brigitte Jaumard

11 H 30 /
12 H 00

Dan Kilper, (Bell Labs, USA)
"Energy Use in Networks from a Service Perspective"
(not presented)

12 H 00 /
12 H 30

Karin Anna Hummel, (ETH Zurich, Austria)
"Delay Tolerant and Opportunistic Networking Concepts for Energy-efficient Wireless Networks"
- slides

12 H 30 /
13 H 00

Fabrice Labeau, (McGill University, Canada)
"The role of ICT in the development of the Smart Grid: the case of communications within substations"
- slides

13 H 00 /
14 H 30


Session 3, Chair Olivier Richard

14 H 30 /
15 H 15

Xavier Vigouroux, (BULL, Grenoble)
"Eco Impact of the HPC. Where to invest ?"
- slides

15 H 15 /
15 H 45

Stéphane Vialle, (SUPELEC Metz)
"Energy issues of computing on GPU clusters"
- slides

15 H 45 /
16 H 15

Jean-Marc Pierson, (IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
"COOLEMALL: A platform for advanced planning and optimization tools for modular data center environments"
- slides

16 H 15 /
16 H 45


Session 4, Chair Christine Tremblay

16 H 45 /
17 H 15

Daniel Leprince, (EDF, Clamart)
"Energy efficiency in HPC : A new trend ? A software approch to save power but still increase the number or the size of scientific studies !"
- slides

17 H 15 /
17 H 45

Bruno Bzeznik, (University of Grenoble)
"Frigid'r: extreme freecooling"
- slides

17 H 45 /
18 H 15

Christophe Garnier, (Schneider-Electric, Grenoble)
"DataCenter Life cycle analysis guide lines"
- slides



Tuesday 20 Novembre 2012


09 H 00 /
9 H 15

Opening session by organizers

Session 1, Chair Christine Tremblay

09 H 15 /
10 H 00

Keynote : Lorenz Hilty, (EMPA, Technology and Society Lab (TSL), Switzerland)
"Why Energy Efficiency is Not Sufficient"
- slides

10 H 00 /
10 H 30

Eric Lafrance, (Hydro-Québec, Canada)
"The head in clouds but feet on the ground"
- slides

10 H 30 /
11 H 00

Pascal Bouvry, (Université of Luxembourg)
"Reduced Energy Consumption in Clouds using Milicomputers"
- slides

11 H 00 /
11 H 30


Session 2, Chair Olivier Richard

11 H 30 /
12 H 00

Jean-Marc Menaud, (INRIA ASCOLA , Ecole des Mines de Nantes)
"Next challenges in dynamic consolidation"
- slides

12 H 00 /
12 H 30

Nuno-Philippe Araujo, (Fujitsu, Québec)
"Contribution of ICT to sustainable development for the Society and the Planet"
- slides

12 H 30 /
13 H 00

Dominique Lallement & Aurélien Begou, (EATON, Grenoble)
"Energy monitoring in virtualized environments"
- slides - demo

13 H 00 /
14 H 30


Session 3, Chair Françoise Berthoud

14 H 30 /
15 H 15

Eric Drezet (EcoInfo, Valbonne)
"Behind a dematerialized image.. the real impacts..." - slides

15 H 15 /
15 H 45

Cédric Gossart, (Institut Télécom / Telecom Ecole de Management, Evry)
“Ecodesign issues and challenges in the ICT sector”
- slides

15 H 45 /
16 H 15

Myriam Blais, (Ministère du Développement économique, Innovation et Exportation, Québec)
"Reducing GHGS with ICTs"
- slides

16 H 15 /
16 H 45


Session 4, Chair Brigitte Jaumard

16 H 45 /
17 H 15

Thibault Faninger, (BIOIS, Paris)
"Considering energy efficiency in public procurement of datacenter equipment"
- slides

17 H 15 /
17 H 45

Line Bérubé, (Recyc-Québec, Canada)
"Quebec ICT recycling incentives"
- slides

17 H 45 /
18 H 00

Concluding remarks