Direction des Relations Européennes et Internationales (DREI)

Programme INRIA "Equipes Associées"





Projet INRIA : RESO Organisme étranger partenaire : AIST - GTRC
Unité de recherche INRIA : Rhône-Alpes
Pays : JAPON
Coordinateur français
Coordinateur étranger
Nom, prénom  Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet  Yuestu Kodama
Grade/statut  Directrice de recherche  Research Scientist
Organisme d'appartenance
(précisez le département et/ou le laboratoire)
 INRIA Rhône-Alpes RESO
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology
Grid Technology Research Center

Adresse postale  INRIA RESO – LIP
 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,
 46, allée d’Italie,
 69007 Lyon

 TSukuba Central 2, Umezono 1-1-1, Ibakari 305-8568 Japan
Téléphone  +334 72 72 88 02  +81 29 861 5761
Télécopie  +334 72 72 80 80  +81 29 862 6601

La proposition en bref

Titre de la thématique de collaboration (en français et en anglais) : Protocoles et mécanismes réseau pour le calcul distribué intensif - Protocols and network mechanisms for high performance distributed computing

Descriptif (environ 10 lignes) : Les travaux de cette équipe ont pour objectif de permettre un usage simple et optimisé des réseaux très haut débit aux utilisateurs de plate-forme de calcul  intensif largement distribuées. Le programme de travail se scinde en trois parties principales : l'évaluation et l'amélioration des protocoles de transport pour les réseaux à très haut débit (>10Gbit/s), le contrôle et la réservation de bande passante dans les réseaux optiques dynamiques et l’optimisation des communications MPI dans les grilles.


Présentation de l'Équipe Associée

(environ 2 pages)

1. Présentation du coordinateur étranger
Rédigez, en quelques lignes, un bref CV du coordinateur de l'équipe étrangère.

Yuetsu Kodama a reçu sont B.E, M.E. et Ph.D en engineering à  l' Université de Tokyo en 1986, 1988 and 2003.
Il mène des recherche sur les architectures d'ordinateurs parallèles depuis qu'il a rejoint l'Electrotechnical Laboratory en 1988.
Ses principaux intérêts de recherche actuel sont:
le calcul reconfigurable, les réseaux très haut débit, les protocoles internet, les grilles,
les palte-formes expérimentales de grille, l'évaluation de performances.
Il est actuellement senior researcher au Grid Technology Research Center,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST). Il est le concepteur des émulateurs réseau haute performance GtrcNET1 et GtrcNET10.
Il est membre de l'ACM, IEEE CS and IPSJ.

2. Historique de la collaboration

3. Impact : 

4. Divers : Sébastien Soudan effectue sa thèse en co-tutelle avec Tomohiro Kudoh. Il passera 6 mois au Japon en 2007 et candidat pour cela à une bourse Lavoisier.

II. BILAN 2007

Working Program

We followed and even increased our working program:
We have then four parts:
- High speed transport protocol over very high speed links
- Bandwidth allocation and control in Grids
- Optimisation of MPI communications in Grids.
- Co-design of GtrcNET-packet capture functionality

1) - High speed transport protocol over very high speed links (10Gb/s)

With the high speed testbed for protocol evaluation we have deployed within Grid5000 and which integrates GtrcNET1 and GtrcNET10, we pursued our work on TCP variants comparison. We highlight the problem of congestion level which makes TCP behave very strangely (long TCP stops) and the problem of congesting reverse traffic.
During our visit to AIST, we had long discussions on the TCP stop problem. This issue has been now solved and a patch to LINUX TCP stack has been posted;
 We also work together on the INRIA  HSTTS (High Speed Transport Test Suite)  and gathered very interesting and constructives remarks from AIST colleagues.

During the year 2007, we worked with RENATER, Grid5000, SINET and NAREGI people to establish an 1Gbps optical link between the NAREGI Grid, Japan and Grid'5000, France.
IThis link has been provisionned during the summer. It provides a means for the INRIA RESO team and the japanese collaborators to study network behaviors over real large latencies (280~ms RTT in this case) and compare the results with the performance obtained in a emulated network.

Nodes on the NAREGI side have been lent to the INRIA RESO team so that we have been able to deploy our softwares and GNU/Linux kernels. Soon the same operation will occur on the Grid'5000 Lyon site where we will provide a few nodes to install their metrology solution.
First experiments have been done performed to check the configuration and performance of this link.

It is planned to use this infrastructure as a testbed for our current benchmarking initiative, called HSTTS for High Speed Transport Test Suite, that aims at providing a simple way for an user to evaluate the usefulness of a given transport protocol in a given environment and to extract the meaningful parameters of a path. For this we aggreed to interact with network
operator and ask them monitoring (for example queue sizes) network equipments along the path.

2) - Bandwidth allocation and control in Grids

AIST GTRC is developing GNS-WSI2 which is intended to become a standard web services interface between Grid resource manager and operator-owned network resource
manager for advance reservation of bandwidth. It is developped in the G-lambda project which is a joint project of KDDI R&D labs, NTT, NICT
and AIST.
INRIA RESO is developing the Bulk Data Transfer Scheduling Service. The goal of this service is to handle transfer requests specified by source, destination,
volume, minimum start time and maximum end time.  Then it finds network resources that allow to transfer this volume during the specified time window.  BDTS acts as a
resource manager for site network resources by  keeping resource utilization information and as a resource coordinator  for core network resources by doing reservation to core NRMs.
The collaboration between AIST GTRC team and INRIA RESO team on this point aims at studying how BDTS, a scheduled data transfer service could
benefit this flexibility offered by advance provisioning of some network path and to develop a service which use the interface. This collaboration axis has been reinforced in the
context of Sebastien Soudan's long stay in september 2007.

3 ) - Optimisation of MPI communications in Grids.

AIST GTRC is collaborating with Pr Ishikawa team at University of Tokyo on GridMPI implementation.
During our visit in July, we had one day of work with Ishikawa-san and work on our experimental results
of GridMPI in Grid5000. We  carefully examined the GridMPI code to understand several performance
issues we observed. We are now working together to understand the impact of TCP slowstart on MPI
communications. Intel microbenchmark experiments allowed us to compare
the difference between collective operations in the MPI implementations. it has been aggreed that
INRIA RESO will access to the GridMPI implementation to integrate its own optimisation directly
within the source code.

4) Co-design of GtrcNET-packet capture functionality

GtrcNET-1 is a tool developed by AIST GTRC team that allows to emulate networks conditions (rate, latency, loss, ...).
This network equipment also permits to do very precise measurements and is thus used in most of our real world experiments and performance evaluations
[GuillierStudy06, SoudanInvestigation06, Plfdnet07, HSN07, Gridnets07].

During the stay of Yuestu Kodama and Tomohiro Kudoh at ENS, the INRIA RESO team and the AIST GTRC team have been working together to extend the functionnalities of the GtrcNET-1 by adding header capture at wire-speed. These functionnalities have been implemented and a full system for flow analysis have been designed. The GtrcNET-1 box associated with the INRIA MetroFlux system is currently used by the Metrogrid project at the Grid'5000 Lyon site to identify flow patterns in the network traffic. We plan to design and develop this system for 10Gb/s speed and deploy 10 of such equipment within Grid5000/ALADDIN during 2008-2009 years.

Publications and conferences:

Romaric Guillier and Ludovic Hablot and Yuetsu Kodama and Tomohiro Kudoh and Fumihiro Okazaki and Ryousei Takano and Pascale Primet and Sebastien Soudan,
"A study of large flow interactions in high-speed shared networks with Grid5000 and GtrcNET-10 instruments, PFLDnet 2007",
February, 2007,

Sebastien Soudan and Romaric Guillier and Ludovic Hablot and Yuetsu Kodama and Tomohiro Kudoh and Fumihiro Okazaki and Ryousei Takano and Pascale Primet,
"Investigation of Ethernet switches behavior in presence of
contending flows at very high-speed,
PFLDnet 2007, February, 2007,

Our both team attended the Pfldnet2007 workshop in Los Angeles and GridNets2007 conference (chaired and organized by Pascale Primet) in Lyon.
Tomohiro Kudoh has been invited for a talk at this conference

2. Echanges

All these achievements have been made possible through regular visioconferences (ones a month from january to july 2007, and one per week since september 2007) and through visits.
- Yuestu Kodama and Tomohiro Kudoh spent one week in Lyon in Spring and one other in October2007.
- Ludovic Hablot (PhD) spent one week in Tsukuba in july 2007
- Sébastien ( PhD ) is pending 4 month at AIST. He formerly obtains an help  from Lavoisier, but for funding issues (he had to cancel his current Ministery grant for 6 month!)
- Pascale (DR) 2 days in May( NEGST program) and 10 days in july.
- Romaric PhD (8 days in july) 

During these visits, our three PhD students made several presentations to our japanese colleagues.

Ludovic Hablot - Comparison and tuning of MPI implementations in a grid context , 21 july 2007 - AIST - Japan
Romaric Guillier - TCP variants and transfer time predictability in very high speed networks - 20 july 2007 - AIST - Japan
Romaric Guillier - ITB: Inria Transport Benchmark - 23 july 2007 - AIST - Japan
Sebastien Soudan - "Bandwidth Sharing and Optical Control Plane in Grids", 18 september 2007 - AIST - Japan

Rapport financier 2007

1. Dépenses EA (effectuées sur les crédits de l'équipe associée)
Budget EA alloué
Montant dépensé
Accueil  1000  1000
Missions  20 000  10 000
(a) 21 000 (b) 11 000
Taux d'utilisation des crédits EA alloués (b/a %)


2. Dépenses externes (soutenues par des financements hors EA)
Budget alloué
Montant dépensé
Nom de l'organisme 1 (*): CNRS
Missions  3000  2000
Nom de l'organisme 2 (*) :
Accueil  1000  1000
Missions  22 000  22 000

Total des financements externes

alloués : (c) 26000

dépensés : 25000

(*) Ajouter ou supprimer des lignes au tableau ci-dessus de façon à faire figurer tous les organismes ayant contribué au financement de l'équipe associée

Total des financements EA et externes

alloués : (d) 45 000

dépensés : 35 000

Taux de co-financement (c /d %)

 57 %

Bilan des échanges effectués en 2007

1. Seniors

statut (1)
objet (2)
durée (en semaines)
Coût (EA)
Coût (externe)
 Primet Pascale  DR2  LYON  TOKYO  NEGST meeting  0,5    2000
 Primet Pascale  DR2  LYON   TSUKUBA  EA working week  1  1486  
 Yuestu Kodama  Senior researcher  TSUKUBA LYON  EA working week  1
 Tomohiro Kudoh   Senior researcher  TSUKUBA  LYON  EA working week  1
 Tomohiro Kudoh   Senior researcher  TSUKUBA  LYON  GridNets conference  0,5

Total des durées en semaines
(1) DR / CR / professeur
(2) colloque, thèse, stage, visite....

2. Juniors

statut (1)
objet (2)
durée (en semaines)
Coût (EA)
Coût (externe)
Ludovic Hablot   PhD  LYON   TSUKUBA  EA working week  1  1127  
 Romaric Guillier  PhD  LYON   TSUKUBA  EA working week  1  1125  
 Sebastien Soudan  PhD  LYON   TSUKUBA  EA working week  14  5006  

Total des durées en mois
(1) post-doc / doctorant / stagiaire
(2) colloque, thèse, stage, visite....



Programme de travail

In 2008 we will continue our collaboration on the same directions: 
- High speed transport protocol over very high speed links  : UDT and HSTTS (INRIA benchmark suite evaluation)
- Bandwidth allocation and control in Grids : GNS-WSI and BDTS integration
- Optimisation of MPI communications in Grids : quick start and UDT integration.
- Co-design of GtrcNET-packet capture functionality : design of a very high speed equipement for packet capture.

Next year, the emphasis will be on the design and development of the MetroFlux system which will integrate the GtrcNET box enabling 10Gb/s packet capture and analysis.
For this Paulo Goncalves and Pascale Primet will visit AIST one week in july and september. We plan to have the boxes ready for deployment in Grid5000/Aladdin for the end of 2008.
We will pursue our collaboration on BDTS and GNS-WSI integration and work together on the standardisation of the service. Sebastien Soudan will visit AIST mid 2008.
We plan to focus our experimentation on transport protocol on UDT evaluation and rate enforcement mechanisms comparison. Romaric Guillier will visit AIST in September 2008.
We plan also to integrate UDT and quick start within the GridMPI software. Ludovic Hablot will visit AIST and Pr Ishikawa in September 2008.

We plan to have at least three co-written papers : one at pfldnet2008,  one at cluster2008 and one at PAM2008.

Pascale Primet has invited Tomohiro Kudoh in the Steering Committee and Program Committee of PFLDNET2008 she is co-charing.

 Budget prévisionnel 2008

1. Co-financement

- Cette coopération bénéficie-t-elle déjà d'un soutien financier de la part de l'INRIA, de l'organisme étranger partenaire ou d'un organisme tiers (projet européen, NSF, ...) ? 

Oui, l'AIST nous prête des équipements GNET10 and GNET1 pou rune valeur de dépréciation de 6500 euros par an.

- Dans le cas où votre proposition serait retenue, vous parait-il probable d'obtenir de l'organisme étranger partenaire un soutien financier symétrique ?  
Oui, même pour un montant supérieur.

Prêt GNETs + expédition
Missions partenaires japonais
 Achat 10 GNET10 pour Grid5000/Aladdin (subvention demandée 150 000 euros)  150 000 (non confirmé)
 178 500 (dont 13 500 promis par l'AIST)

2. Echanges

L'objectif est d'organiser des  échanges de travail scientifique au cours de l'année, d'une part pour les chercheurs confirmés et d'autre part pour les doctorants. 

- Ludovic Hablot (PhD) (Grid MPI) - mission en septembre
- Sébastien Soudan ( PhD ) mission en juillet
- Pascale Primet  (DR) (8 jours en juillet  et 8 jours en septembre)
- Romaric Guillier (PhD) (8 jours en septembre)
- Paulo Goncalvès (CR1) (8 jours en juillet)

Nous invitons la réunion NEGTS lors de la conférence CCGrid2008 (organisée par RESO/INRIA en mai 2008 à Lyon).

Chercheurs confirmés  5  6000  5000 11 000
Doctorants  3    5000  5 000


Autre (précisez) :
   Frais expedition
   2 000
 6 500
- total des co-financements
 13 500
Financement "Équipe Associée" demandé
 11 000

Remarques ou observations :
Les frais de mission ont diminués par rapport à 2006, car nous réussissons à obtenir des prix de vols très intéressants en commandant les billets très longtemps à l'avance.
Ainsi, seule la moitié du budget 2007 a été nécessaire pour le fonctionnement de l'EA. Nous pensons que le budget 2007 sera équivalent.