GdT le 07/11 à 14h00 - Prasan Kumar Sahoo

Prasan Kumar Sahoo qui est chercheur à Chang Gung University, Taiwan nous présentera ses travaux de recherche le mercredi 7 novembre à 14h dans la salle de conf de l'IXXI.
Son exposé traitera la problèmatique des réseaux de capteurs sans fil (résumé ci-dessous).

The advent of embedded system has made it technologically feasible and economically viable to develop low-power devices that integrate general-purpose computing with multi-purpose sensing and wireless communications capabilities, which are referred to as sensor nodes. Aggregating sensor nodes into sophisticated computational and communication infrastructures, called sensor networks, will have a significant impact on a wide array of applications ranging from military, to scientific, to industrial, to healthcare, to domestic, establishing ubiquitous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that will pervade society redefining the way in which we live and work.  Indeed, the recent years have seen a flurry of research activities in the arena of WSNs and their applications. These results are scattered in a surprisingly large array of conference proceedings and workshops. Not surprisingly, many practitioners and researchers find it hard to synthesize existing results in this area and identify critical open issues that need to be addressed. The proposed talk will provide the participants with up-to-date survey of sensor networks and their various applications. Besides, important research issues and open problems of WSNs such as coverage and connectivity issues, performance analysis etc will be discussed briefly.