Mantle convection
MC-1: Arthur R. Calderwood A: The Nusselt, Thermal and Internally Heated Rayleigh Numbers of the Earth's Mantle and their implication for Mantle Avalanche Events B: Distribution of U, Th, and K in the Earth's Crust, Lithosphere, Mantle and Core: Constraints from an elemental Mass Balance Model and the Present day Heat flux C: A re-assessment of the Present day Mantle Heat flux due to Secular Cooling D: The Predicted Heat Flux of the 1,600 km Compositionally Layered Mantle Model
MC-2: Laszlo Cserepes Plumes from below a thermal boundary layer
MC-3: Fabien Dubuffet Secondary Instabilities Developed in Upwellings of High Rayleigh Number Convection: implications for Hotspots
MC-4: Klaus Gottschaldt A method for searching coherent structures in time-dependent mantle-convection
MC-5: Cécile Grigné The effect of continents on mantle convection
MC-6: Stéphane Labrosse Plume dynamics in chaotic Rayleigh-Bénard convection with volumetric heating
MC-7: Stéphane Labrosse Heat transfer by mantle convection in a plate tectonic regime
MC-8: Cédric Lemery A 2D model of 3D convection at very high Prandtl and Rayleigh number
MC-9. Alex Loddoch Parallel simulation of mantle convection and plate tectonics
MC-10: Philippe Machetel The Jurassic-Cretaceous mantle avalanche
MC-11: Ctirad Matyska Are Mantle Plumes Adiabatic?
MC-12: Nicolas Merveilleux Phase transitions at 660 km : buoyancy of lithospheric components and mantle layering
MC-13: Marc Monnereau Concurrent whole-mantle and layered convection Induced by Viscosity Layering and Endothermic Phase Change
MC-14: Craig J. O'Neill Modeling Archean sub-continental mantle dynamics and heat flow using diamond stability constraints
MC-15: Guillaume Richard Role of the mantle dynamics on water distribution in the Earth's mantle
MC-16: Bertram Schott On the importance of compressibility in D''-layer dynamics