Séminaires Semovi : Plants

The next Semovi Seminar next Wednesday, the 4th of March concerning plants. The main speaker will be Stephane Douady (MSC, Paris 7) a physicist who will talk about growth of plants; this talk will be followed by two short talks of "local" speakers, Marc Joyeux (Physicist, Liphy, UJF ) and Vincent Mirabet (Biologist, RDP, ENS Lyon).

This Semovi will be held at the ENS Lyon: Blaise Pascal Conference Centre, LR6 Building, room C 023

The program :
 2.00 - 3.00 Stéphane DOUADY - Growth and Shape of Plants: how they are linked by movements
 3.00 - 3.30 coffee break
 3.30 - 4.00 Marc JOYEUX - Modeling of the fast movements of Dionaea, Aldrovanda, and Utricularia
 4.00 - 4.30 Vincent MIRABET - Cell anisotropy and microtubules
 4.30 - 5.00 general discussion

More on: http://www.biosyl.org/resources/semovi/semovi-the-4th-of-march-2015

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