
Agenda de l'ENS de Lyon

Jumana Bayeh - Literature, Sound and Egypt’s Arab Spring

Description générale

Nous avons eu le plaisir d'accueillir Jumana Bayeh, Maître de Conférences à l’Université Macquarie de Sydney et chercheuse invitée au Collegium de Lyon, le lundi 10 octobre de 18h30 à 20h en salle D2-034.

Sa conférence intitulée « Literature, Sound and Egypt’s Arab Spring », à propos de Chronicle of a Last Summer (2016) de Yasmine El Rashidi et The City Always Wins (2017) d'Omar Robert Hamilton, fut suivie d'une discussion.

Egypt's Arab Spring was experienced as a mediated event in two notable ways. First, in the immediate successes of Tahrir Square, Facebook was heralded as a fundamental agent of the uprising and responsible for the fall of Mubarak. Second, the failure of the 'Spring' with the election of an Islamist and a counter-revolution that saw the rise of a military dictatorship, news reports sought to make sense of the country's rapidly flailing political fortunes. Missing from both these forms of mediation are the voices of the rioters, their coordinated spontaneity and their very acts of resistance. While numerous images of the protests were captured, individual stories and lives were drowned out by the raucous cacophony of the masses. Assuming an extended view of the media terrain that recorded the uprising, this seminar seeks to recover the lost voices of Egypt's Arab Spring. It focuses on two novels by Robert Omar Hamilton and Yasmin El Rashid to drill down into how intimate stories and individual voices provide an alternative method to inform our knowledge of crowd violence. It will illustrate how narrative discourses can contribute in critical and strategic ways to reclaiming what has been lost or unheard in the seeming media decadence that characterised the uprising.


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