Assistant professor position at ENS de Lyon / Inria in network science

Position description:
The avalanche of data provided by the traceability of many social activities represents a major scientific, economic and social revolution. A new field called “network science” has emerged to study these data, but, so far, it has not brought any important new insight into the social world. To overcome this lack of relevance, the two main challenges are to analyze the dynamical aspects of data  and to foster the collaboration between social and natural scientists (mainly computer science, signal processing, physics).ENS de Lyon supports the creation of a world-class interdisciplinary research group to take advantage of big data to improve scientific understanding, economic and social benefits. It offers a lecturer permanent position (Maître de Conférences) at the Computer Science department and laboratory  of ENS de Lyon to an outstanding young network scientist. The position is supported by an INRIA Chair, which means reduced teaching duties and financial support ( In the strategic direction of “network science”, and in collaboration with the Complex Systems Institute, the candidate will reinforce LIP laboratory whose research  is organised along two complementary axes : challenges of future computing and communication architectures; mathematical computer science.

Since the scope of the position is to promote collaborations between computer scientists, physicists and social scientists, required qualifications include: Ph.D. degree in physics, computer science, or a related field; a strong record of research in network science; a strong interest in collaborating with other disciplines, such as social sciences or other fields to which network science has been applied. Care should be taken that the teachings be related to the candidate’s project/research theme, and have their place  in one of the three curricula of the Computer Science Licence/Master or be related to the ”Modelization of Complex Systems” curriculum.

ENS de Lyon provides a unique environment for developing such a project. It is a highly selective “grande école” gathering both hard and social scientists and students. ENS de Lyon promotes interdisciplinarity as its distinctive mark in European research. The network science research is hosted at  the Complex Systems  Institute (IXXI) which gathers the interdisciplinary research of seven universities in Lyon and Grenoble.
For more information about network science at ENS de Lyon, please visit:
Jensen Pablo <>
Fleury Eric <>
Villard Gilles <>