General Information
Project Overview
The GREEN-NET is a
Cooperative Research Action (
ARC : Action de Recherche Cooperative) supported by
INRIA. This project explores the design of energy-aware software frameworks dedicated to large scale distributed systems. These frameworks will collect energy usage information and provide them to resources managers and schedulers. Large scale experimental validations on
Grid5000 and
DSLLAB platforms will be proposed.
Energy Sensors : Live View of Electrical Usage on Grid5000 platform
See all
Grid5000 platform nodes monitored by the 18 Green-Net electrical sensors :
If you don't have a Grid5000 account, click
here to see the demo of the monitored nodes (flash document).
Project Partners
GREEN-NET Project Members
Laurent Lefèvre, INRIA RESO, LIP, ENS-Lyon, France
Anne-Cécile Orgerie, INRIA RESO, LIP, ENS-Lyon, France
Jean-Patrick Gelas, INRIA RESO, LIP, ENS-Lyon, France
Marcos Dias de Assuncao , (GREEN-NET Postdoc), INRIA RESO, LIP, ENS-Lyon, France
Olivier Richard, INRIA MESCAL, Grenoble, France
Yiannis Georgiou, INRIA MESCAL, Grenoble, France
- Jean-Marc Pierson, IRIT, Toulouse, France
- Georges Da Costa, IRIT, Toulouse, France
- Amal Sayah, IRIT, Toulouse, France
- Wu Chun Feng, Virginia Tech, USA
- Song Huang, Virginia Tech, USA
Students involved during training periods
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie (Master M2, November 2007-July 2008 - RESO, Lyon) : Study of Grid5000 traces, proposition, developement of librairies for live energy monitoring and design of an energy aware framework for large scale distributed systems
- Damien Borgetto (Master M1, June-July 2008 - IRIT, Toulouse) : Design of trust services for tasks migration
- Mohamed-Amine Amine: (Licence L3, June-July 2008 - IRIT, Toulouse) : Design of library for energy monitoring with a multimeter sensor
- Eric Brady (master M1, June-August 2008 - IRIT, Toulouse): Development of distributed applications based on shared memory
- Akou Malik (master M2R, March-June 2008 - IRIT, Toulouse) : Energy estimation and efficiency in battery-operated distributed systems
- Kamal Sharma (Google Summer of Code, June-August 2008 - MESCAL, Grenoble) : Energy Saving Model
- Sylvere Ekponon (Master CCI, May-September 2009 - RESO, Lyon) : Towards Green HPC nodes
- Alejandro Fernandez-Montes (from University of Sevilla, Spain, Nov 2008 and Sept-Nov 2009, RESO, Lyon) : "Prediction Models for Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems"
- L. Lefèvre : "Towards Energy Aware Resource Infrastructure for Large Scale Distributed Systems", CCGSC 2008 : Clusters and Computational Grids for Scientific Computing Workshop, Flat Rock, North Carolina, USA, September 14-17, 2008
- L. Lefèvre : "GREEN-* : Towards Energy Efficient Solutions for Next Generation Large Scale Distributed Systems", ACOMP 2008 : International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Applications, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, March 12-14, 2008
- L. Lefèvre : "Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems : the Green-NET initiative", OGF25, Open Grid Forum, Catania, Italy, March 2-6, 2009
- O. Richard : "Gestion de la consommation d'énergie dans les gestionnaires de ressource pour les serveurs de calcul", EcoInfo Day, Paris, March 17, 2009
- A.C. Orgerie, L. Lefèvre : "Towards a Green Grid5000", Best presentation award of the Grid5000 school, Nancy, France, April 7-9, 2009
- L. Lefèvre "Why hunting watts in large scale distributed systems ? The GREEN-* approaches !", Opening Keynote Talk, Renpar 2009 : Rencontres francophones du Parallélisme, Toulouse, France, September 2009
- Laurent Lefèvre. "Towards green computing platforms - Vers des plateformes de calcul vertes", INEDIT : the Newsletter of INRIA, May 2009
- "GridBriefings : A Greener Way ? Grids and Green Computing", Laurent Lefèvre, Grid Talk News Letter, July 2009
Visibility :
- Green-Net co-organizes the HPPAC 2009 workshop on high Performance Power Aware Computing, Rome, Italy, May 25, 2009
- SuperComputing 2008 - INRIA Booth : GREEN-NET in SuperComputing 2008 "Turn your HPC Green ! : EARI Demonstration - The Good, The Bad and the Greener" - L. Lefevre, A-C. Orgerie, J-P. Gelas, Austin, USA, November 17-20, 2008
- Organizing the E2GC2 workshop : Energy Efficient Grids, Clouds and Clusters, Banff, Canada, October 2009
- SuperComputing 2009 - INRIA Booth : GREEN-NET in SuperComputing 2009 "Large Scale Green Policies enforcement - GREEN-NET Demonstration, Portland, USA, November 14-20, 2009
Software Design
- Kick-off meeting : 4th April 2008, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon :
From left to right :
Jean Patrick Gelas (INRIA RESO Project Team, Lyon),
Georges Da Costa (IRIT, Toulouse),
Jean-Marc Pierson (with broken arm) (IRIT, Toulouse),
Laurent Lefevre (INRIA RESO Project Team, Lyon),
Olivier Richard (INRIA MESCAL Project Team, Grenoble),
Anne-Cecile Orgerie (INRIA RESO Project Team, Lyon)
Missing :
WuChun Feng and Song Huang, Virginia Tech, USA
- Second meeting : 9-10 July 2008, Rennes (during ALADDIN kick-off meting) - Participants : Jean-Patrick Gelas, Laurent Lefèvre, Jean-Marc Pierson, Olivier Richard
- Third meeting : 24th September 2008, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Participants : Laurent Lefevre, Anne-Cecile Orgerie, Jean-Marc Pierson, Olivier Richard
- National ARC Days : 1st October 2008, Sophia Antipolis see Green-NET poster
- Fourth meeting : 2 April 2009, Lyon :
From left to right :
Amal Sayah (IRIT, Toulouse),
Jean-Marc Pierson (IRIT, Toulouse),
Laurent Lefevre (INRIA RESO Project Team, Lyon),
Yiannis Georgiou (INRIA MESCAL, Grenoble),
Jean Patrick Gelas (INRIA RESO Project Team, Lyon),
Anne-Cecile Orgerie (INRIA RESO Project Team, Lyon)
- National ARC Days : 30 October 2009, Bordeaux see Green-NET slides
Inquiries may be directed to : Laurent Lefèvre (GREEN-NET project leader) - INRIA, Lyon, France - E-Mail: