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You are here: Home / Seminars / Theoretical Physics / Asymptotic Higher Spin Symmetries in Gravity

Asymptotic Higher Spin Symmetries in Gravity

Nicolas Cresto (Perimeter Institute)
When Dec 05, 2024
from 02:00 to 03:00
Where Amphithèâtre ALH
Contact Name Marc Geiller
Attendees Nicolas Cresto
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Jeudi 5 Décembre


Title:  Asymptotic Higher Spin Symmetries in Gravity

Nicolas Cresto  (Perimeter Institute)


Abstract:    I will first give an introductory review of the concepts of Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes IR triangle and Noether's theorems. I will then present what Asymptotic Higher Spin Symmetries are and how they were introduced as a candidate for an approximate symmetry of General Relativity and the S-matrix. Next I'll move on to the recent developments of establishing these symmetries as Noether symmetries and describing how they are canonically and non-linearly realized on the asymptotic gravitational phase space. If time permits I will discuss how the introduction of dual EOM encapsulates the non-perturbativity of the analysis. Based on 2409.12178 and 2410.15219.





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