================== Accounting reports ================== Analyzing past jobs ------------------- There are plenty of commands to gather analysis elements about jobs. Here's some examples: * jobs [#sacct]_ .. code-block:: bash $ sacct -u $USER --start=2024-02-01 --format=JobID,elapsed,ncpus,ntasks,state,node $ sacct -j $JOB_ID $ sacct -j $JOB_ID -lp | column -s '|' -t | less -S $ sacct -j $JOB_ID -lp > $JOB_ID.csv $ sacct -j $JOB_ID -o JobIDRaw,JobName,NCPUS,MaxRSS,Elapsed $ sacct -j $JOB_ID --format=User,JobID,ReqMem,MaxRss $ sacct -j $JOB_ID -o maxrss $ sacct -A $ACCOUNT -S 2024-01-01T00:00:00 Reporting of resources consumption ---------------------------------- You can gather resources consumption for your reports and articles. .. important:: Whenever possible, thank you to acknowledge the use of PSMN resources, see `science:accueil `_ * users (and accounts) [#sreport]_ If you want "till today" report, you don't have to specify ``end=`` parameter. .. code-block:: bash $ sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount format=Login,Account,Used -t Hours start=2024-01-01 end=2024-02-29 user=$USER $ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser format=Login,Account,Used -t Hours Start=2024-01-01T00:00 accounts=$ACCOUNT * accounts list: Accounts are labs, group of labs (like *bioensl*) and whole institution (as *ensl*). .. code-block:: bash $ sacctmgr list account .. [#sacct] You can get the complete list of parameters by referring to the ``sacct`` manual page (``man sacct``). .. [#sreport] You can get the complete list of parameters by referring to the ``sreport`` manual page (``man sreport``).