#!/bin/bash #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -N mutm_ap-oxog #$ -q E5-2670gpuK20deb128 #$ -pe mpi_debian 16 #$ -cwd #$ -V # Loading modules to set up environment module load NAMD/multicore+CUDA/2.12 # Setting up home and scratch directories HOMEDIR="${SGE_O_WORKDIR}" cd "${HOMEDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${HOMEDIR}"; exit 1; } if [[ -d "/scratch/Chimie" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/Chimie/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" elif [[ -d "/scratch/Lake" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/Lake/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" elif [[ -d "/scratch/E5N" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/E5N/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" else echo "/scratch not found, cannot create ${SCRATCHDIR}" exit 1 fi echo "Creating scratch for this job: ${SCRATCHDIR}" /bin/mkdir -p "${SCRATCHDIR}" HOSTFILE="${TMPDIR}/machines" cp "${HOSTFILE}" . # we are supposed to be in ${HOMEDIR} sed -i -e 's/^/host\ /' machines # Please provide the following files for namd CONFIGFILE="run2.namd" TOPFILE="DDB2_CT_hmr.prmtop" PDBFILE="DDB2_CT_run1_0.coor" FIXFILE="DDB2_CT_new.fix" COLVARSFILE="dihedral_run1.in" LOGFILE="run2.out" # Copying files to scratchdir rsync -c "${CONFIGFILE}" "${TOPFILE}" "${PDBFILE}" "${FIXFILE}" "${COLVARSFILE}" machines runscript "${SCRATCHDIR}" # The executables for mpirun and namd2 MPIRUN="mpirun" # Go to scratch directory and run calculation there cd "${SCRATCHDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${SCRATCHDIR}"; exit 1; } echo 'group main ++shell ssh' > nodelist cat machines >> nodelist namd2 +idlepoll +p "${NSLOTS}" +devices 0,1 "${CONFIGFILE}" > "${LOGFILE}" # Copy back data rsync -c --exclude "${CONFIGFILE} ${TOPFILE} ${PDBFILE} ${COLVARSFILE}" -- * "${HOMEDIR}" cd "${HOMEDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${HOMEDIR}"; exit 1; } # Cleaning up scratch directory and hostfile rm -fr "${SCRATCHDIR}"