#!/bin/bash #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -N Orca #$ -cwd #$ -V #$ -q E5-2667v4deb256A,E5-2697Av4deb256,M6*,E5-2670deb256* #$ -pe mpi32_debian 32 module use /home/tjiang/modules/lmod module load orca/4_0_1_2_linux_x86-64_openmpi202 input="RuExtrap.inp" output=$(basename "${input}" .inp).out if [[ -d "/scratch/Chimie" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/Chimie/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" elif [[ -d "/scratch/Lake" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/Lake/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" elif [[ -d "/scratch/E5N" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/E5N/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" else echo "/scratch not found, cannot create ${SCRATCHDIR}" exit 1 fi echo "Creating scratch for this job: ${SCRATCHDIR}" mkdir -p "${SCRATCHDIR}" cd "${SGE_O_WORKDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${SGE_O_WORKDIR}"; exit 1; } cp "${input}" "${SCRATCHDIR}" cd "${SCRATCHDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${SCRATCHDIR}"; exit 1; } /home/tjiang/softs/orca/4_0_1_2_linux_x86-64_openmpi202/orca "${input}" > "${SGE_O_WORKDIR}/${output}" cp -- outputfiles_only "${SGE_O_WORKDIR}" cd "${SGE_O_WORKDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${SGE_O_WORKDIR}"; exit 1; } rm -rf "${SCRATCHDIR}"