#!/bin/bash #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -N vasp_ompi_8 #$ -q E5-2667v2* #$ -pe mpi8_debian 8 #$ -V #$ -cwd # Choose the version of vasp by loading the module file accordingly module use /home/tjiang/modules/lmod/ #choose a version of vasp by uncommenting the corresponding section below # vasp 5.4.1 module load vasp/5.4.1_ompi1.8.8_intel15.0.2 #For vasp 5.4.4, we need to source the intel mpi mpivars script to properly set environment #module load vasp/5.4.4_intel_suite2019.5 #source /applis/PSMN/debian9/software/Compiler/intel/2019.5/impi/2019.5.281/intel64/bin/mpivars.sh #For vasp 6.2.0, we need to source the intel mpi mpivars script to properly set environment #module load vasp/6.2.0_intel_suite2019.5 #source /applis/PSMN/debian9/software/Compiler/intel/2019.5/impi/2019.5.281/intel64/bin/mpivars.sh # for OpenMP + multithreaded MKL export OMP_NUM_THREADS="1" export MKL_NUM_THREADS="1" #ulimit -l unlimited # Where are we HOMEDIR="${SGE_O_WORKDIR}" # stuff for parallel computing HOSTFILE="${TMPDIR}/machines" # save nodelist (optional) #/bin/cat "${TMPDIR}/machines" > "${HOMEDIR}/tmp" # Check which scratch to use if [[ -d "/scratch/Chimie" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/Chimie/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" elif [[ -d "/scratch/Lake" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/Lake/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" elif [[ -d "/scratch/E5N" ]] then SCRATCHDIR="/scratch/E5N/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" else echo "/scratch not found, cannot create ${SCRATCHDIR}" exit 1 fi # Using /tmp as scratch instead #SCRATCHDIR="/tmp/${USER}/${JOB_ID}/" mkdir -p "${SCRATCHDIR}" echo "scratch directory is: ${SCRATCHDIR}" cd "${HOMEDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${HOMEDIR}"; exit 1; } #Creating POTCAR, contribution of Stephan rm POTCAR ; for i in `awk '{if(NR==6){print $0}}' POSCAR` ; do cat ~tjiang/vasp/PSEUDOS_DATABASIS/2013/gw/potpaw/pbe/$i/POTCAR >> POTCAR ; done:w #for normal calculation /bin/cp -f INCAR KPOINTS POTCAR POSCAR WAVECAR "${SCRATCHDIR}/" #for neb calculation, numbering depends on the number of images #/bin/cp -rf INCAR KPOINTS POTCAR POSCAR WAVECAR 00 01 02 "${SCRATCHDIR}/" # If starting wavecar and chgcar exists, uncomment the following line #/bin/cp -f -- "${HOMEDIR}/CHG*" "${HOMEDIR}/WAVECAR" "${SCRATCHDIR}/" # go to scratch (instead of SGE workdir) cd "${SCRATCHDIR}" || { echo "cannot cd to ${SCRATCHDIR}"; exit 1; } echo "${HOMEDIR}" > homedir # The line for computing mpirun -hostfile "${HOSTFILE}" -np "${NSLOTS}" vasp_std > "${HOMEDIR}/out" #mpirun -hostfile "${HOSTFILE}" -np "${NSLOTS}" vasp_gam > "${HOMEDIR}/out" #mpirun -hostfile "${HOSTFILE}" -np "${NSLOTS}" vasp_ncl > "${HOMEDIR}/out" # Get back the results # Full copy back #cp -- WAVECAR CHG* OUTCAR POSCAR OSZICAR XDATCAR CONTCAR vasprun.xml "${HOMEDIR}/" # Minimum copy back bzip2 OUTCAR #gzip OUTCAR cp -rf OUTCAR.bz2 POSCAR OSZICAR XDATCAR CONTCAR "${HOMEDIR}/" # copy back for neb calculation, numbering depends on the number of images #cp -rf OUTCAR POSCAR OSZICAR XDATCAR CONTCAR 00 01 02 "${HOMEDIR}/" # Zip OUTCAR to save space cd "${HOMEDIR}/" || { echo "cannot cd to ${HOMEDIR}"; exit 1; } # Cleaning up # there should be a test here, what if ${SCRATCHDIR} = ${SGE_O_WORKDIR}? rm -rf "${SCRATCHDIR}" # The following part is only useful for users from the chemistry lab of ens-lyon. # Importing finished calculation into database #if [ ! -d "/home/${USER}/.chimie_db/" ]; then # mkdir "/home/${USER}/.chimie_db/" #fi #export PYTHONPATH="/home/tjiang/usr/lib/python2.7/site-package/:$PYTHONPATH" #export PATH="/home/tjiang/chimie4psmn/database/:$PATH" #import_vasp_calc -p -u "${USER}" -n 1 -d "/home/${USER}/.chimie_db/${USER}.db" "${HOMEDIR}"