20190405 / Next power outage Saturday, April 20th 2019.

Hi all,

FYI, next planified main power outage for ENS Lyon (Monod site) is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th 2019.

Planned stops for PSMN are:

  1. stop of all queues on Friday, April 19th (before 10h AM)
  2. stop of allo-psmn *at 10h AM* on Friday, April 19th

Scheduling of restart will depend on maintenance operations from both PSMN and ENS (ASAP, when DC goes back to “fully operationnal”).

At this occasion, there will be an OS upgrade on compute servers (Debian 9.5 → 9.8), hence possible updates on softwares.

Request For Comments:

  • CUDA upgrade

We would like to upgrade nvidia driver and CUDA devkit from 8 to '9.0 + 9.2' on all compute servers (including visualization ones).

  • Unified scratch

We propose a new scratchs hierarchy, enabling easy inclusions of upcoming hardware.

     ├── E5/        (existing E5 scratch, available to E5 cluster)
     ├── nvme/      (local to some servers)
     ├── ssd/       (local to some servers)
     ├── project_name (local to some servers, with dedicated hardware)
     └── X5/        (existing X5 scratch, available to X5 cluster)

Main documentation will be updated to include these changes. You will need to change your scripts accordingly.

  • Cleanup of E5 scratch

E5 scratch is in bad shape and need a fresh cleanup. We propose to erase it and restart from zero.

If any comments, send it to staff.psmn, please.

newsfeed/20190405.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/08/25 15:58 (modification externe)