Publications of Fabienne Anhalt
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Pascale Vicat-Blanc, Sergi Figuerola, Xiaomin Chen, Giada Landi, Eduard Escalona, Chris Develder, Anna Tzanakaki, Yuri Demchenko, Joan A. Garcìa Espìn, Jordi Ferrer, Ester López, Sébastien Soudan, Jens Buysse, Admela Jukan, Nicola Ciulli, Marc Brogle, Luuk van Laarhoven, Bartosz Belter, Fabienne Anhalt, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou, Canh Ngo, Cees de Laat, Matteo Biancani, Michael Roth, Pasquale Donadio, Javier Jiménez, Monika Antoniak-Lewandowska, and Ashwin Gumaste. Bringing Optical Networks to the Cloud: an Architecture for a Sustainable future Internet, chapter Chapter on FIA book. Springer Lecture Notes, April 2011. Note: Accepted for publication. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Fabienne Anhalt, Guilherme Koslovski, and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. Specifying and provisioning Virtual Infrastructures with HIPerNET. ACM International Journal of Network Management (IJNM) - special issue on Network Virtualization and its Management, 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Tram Truong Huu, Guilherme Koslovski, Fabienne Anhalt, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, and Johan Montagnat. Joint elastic cloud and virtual network framework for application performance optimization and cost reduction. Journal of Grid Computing (JoGC), 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Fabienne Anhalt and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Network Data-Plane Virtualization Mechanisms. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2009. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Fabienne Anhalt, Dinil Mon Divakaran, and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. A Virtual Switch Architecture for Hosting Virtual Networks on the Internet. In 11th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Dallas, Texas, USA, 6 2010. [WWW] Keyword(s): Network virtualization, switching, scheduling. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Dinil Mon Divakaran, Fabienne Anhalt, Eitan Altman, and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. Size-Based Flow Scheduling in a CICQ Switch. In 11th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2010), Dallas, Texas, USA, pages 140-145, June 2010. Keyword(s): scheduling, switch, priority, CICQ. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Fabienne Anhalt, Guilherme Koslovski, Marcelo Pasin, Jean-Patrick Gelas, and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. Les Infrastructures Virtuelles à la demande pour un usage flexible de l'Internet. In JDIR 09 : Journees Doctorales en Informatique et Reseaux, Belfort, France, February 2009. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Fabienne Anhalt and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. Analysis and experimental evaluation of data plane virtualization with Xen. In ICNS 09 : International Conference on Networking and Services, Valencia, Spain, April 2009. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Lucas Nussbaum, Fabienne Anhalt, Olivier Mornard, and Jean-Patrick Gelas. Linux-based virtualization for HPC clusters. In Linux Symposium 2009, July 2009. [bibtex-entry]

  6. Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Fabienne Anhalt, and Guilherme Koslovski. Exploring the virtual infrastructure service concept in Grid'5000. In 20th ITC Specialist Seminar on Network Virtualization, Hoi An, Vietnam, May 2009. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. Fabienne Anhalt, Christophe Blanchet, Romaric Guillier, Tram Truong Huu, Guilherme Koslovski, Johan Montagnat, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, and Vincent Roca. HIPCAL: final report. Research Report, INRIA, 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Dinil Mon Divakaran, Fabienne Anhalt, Eitan Altman, and Pascale Primet. Size-Based Flow Scheduling in a CICQ Switch. Research Report RR-7183, INRIA, 2010. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Guilherme Koslovski, Fabienne Anhalt, Tram Truong Huu, and Johan Montagnat. Exploring the Virtual Infrastructure as a Service concept with HIPerNet. Research Report RR-7185, INRIA, 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Fabienne Anhalt and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet. Analysis and evaluation of a XEN based virtual router. Technical report 6658, INRIA Rhône Alpes, September 2008. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

  1. Fabienne Anhalt. Analyse et évaluation d'un routeur virtuel basé sur XEN. Master's thesis, INSA de Lyon, June 2008. [WWW] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Fabienne Anhalt. Intégration de la ressource routeur virtuel au logiciel HIPerNET de composition et d'exploitation d'infrastructures virtuelles à la demande. Master's thesis, INSA de Lyon, September 2008. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Tue Aug 30 18:19:07 2011
Author: llefevre.

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