Projets utilisateurs et projets co-financeurs

Projets ERC

ERC CRUSLID Formation, magmatic evolution and present-day structure of the CRUsts of Stagnant-LID planets (2021-2026)

Élucider les secrets de la formation de la croûte des planètes. La faible densité de la croûte continentale de la planète pourrait avoir donné naissance à la tectonique des plaques, à savoir les mouvements de la lithosphère de la Terre. Des études ont révélé que cette faible densité trouve son origine dans des processus qui ont affecté la répartition des matériaux à travers les continents. Cependant, il existe encore des lacunes dans nos connaissances concernant les caractéristiques de la croûte sur d’autres planètes telluriques et la manière dont elle s’est formée. Plus particulièrement, des processus physiques analogues pourraient-ils se produire sur d’autres planètes dépourvues de tectonique des plaques? Le projet CRUSLID, financé par l’UE, cherche à combler ces lacunes en développant un modèle révolutionnaire qui permettra de déterminer les caractéristiques de la croûte d’autres planètes. Pour ce faire, il tirera parti de recherches multidisciplinaires et de nouvelles observations planétaires susceptibles de fournir de précieuses informations sur la formation de la croûte des corps telluriques primitifs.

ERC-COG - Consolidator Grant

Coordination : (Lauréate) Chloé MICHAUT (LGL-TPE)

ERC PODCAST - Predictions and Observations for Discs: Planetary Cores and dust Aggregates from non-ideal MHD Simulations with radiative Transfer (2020-2025)

One of the most fascinating and challenging question of Modern Astrophysics is: How do planets form? Indeed, micronic dust grains must grow over 30 orders of magnitude in mass to build planet cores. Global numerical simulations of dust grains that couple the dynamics of the particles to their growth/fragmentation and the radiation in the disc are compulsory to understand this process. Yet, this coupling has never been realised, given tremendous difficulties that originate from fundamental physical properties of dusty flows. The evolution of the dust distribution in protoplanetary discs remains therefore very poorly understood. Our novel groundbreaking code is the first to handle non-ideal MHD, radiation and dust with dynamical growth and fragmentation. We can therefore overcome all past difficulties to model gasgrains mixtures in discs consistently. PODCAST is designed to study the different stages of gas and dust evolution in the various regions of the disc, with the main objective of combining these steps in a holistic model for planet formation. We will confront the results directly with observations, unleashing the full potential of the grand instruments ALMA, SPHERE, JWST and SKA.

ERC Consolidator Grant

Coordination : (Lauréat) Guillaume LAIBE (CRAL)

ERC SENECA - Shape-Shifting Ultrathin 2D Colloidal NanoPlatelets (2020-2025)

Mechanical instabilities of thin sheets has long been exploited in Nature to create patterns and ensure vital functions such as stimuli responsiveness. By applying forces at the surface of thin objects, it is possible to create a wide variety of chiral 3D shapes such as helices, twists and rolls. Moreover, minute changes on these forces can induce dramatic shape-shifting between different geometries. Our goal is to use this general principle to establish a new class of chiral and addressable nanostructures that current synthetic strategies can not afford. Building on our pioneering results, i will use organic ligands at the surface of two dimensional colloidal nanoplatelets to bend and twist ultrathin nanosheets into complex shapes. We first aim at establishing generic synthetic principles for colloidal 2D materials. To do so, we will develop in situ scattering methods to get atomistic insight on their formation mechanism. We will then determine the link between surface chemistry, interfacial stress and conformation in a set of model systems. Based on these insights, we will design stimuli responsive surface ligands whose conformational change upon excitation by an external stimuli will impact the nanoparticle shape. Finally, understanding the nanoscale colloidal forces and geometric frustration between these new building blocks will enable the design of nanostructured solids made by out-of-equilibrium assembly. This research program will advance our fundamental knowledge on mechanics at the nanoscale and provide a mechanistic framework for synthetic chemistry of 2D materials. The nanoparticles that we will synthesize are expected to have broad applications due to their chiroptical properties and their stimuli responsive character in fields as diverse as nano-swimmers, detection of chiral bio-coumpounds, photo-catalysis, soft-robotic or sensors/actuators..

ERC Consolidator Grant

Coordination : (Lauréat) Benjamin Abécassis (LCH)

ERC IMPACT The Giant Impact and the Earth and Moon Formation Consolidator Grant (2016-2021)

Very little is understood of the physics governing the Giant Impact and the subsequent formation of the Moon. […] We employ a multiscale approach to bridge the gap between atomic, geological sample, and planetary scales via thermodynamics […]. Plausible impact scenarios, features of the impactor and of the proto-Earth will be constrained with a feedback loop, until convergence between predictions of final Earth-Moon compositions and observations is reached.

Coordination : (Lauréat) Razvan Caracas

ERC MESOPROBIO (2015-2020)

Coordination : (Lauréat) Vincent Calvez

ERC TRANSITION (2013-2018)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : (Lauréat) Freddy Bouchet

ERC TOFU (2012-2018)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Rolf Walder (Lauréate : Isabelle Baraffe)

Multidisciplinary ERC (2012-2016)

Co-Investigator Marco Garavelli


IUF Elise Dumont (2019-2024)

Chaire industrielle IDEXLYON ENSL IFPEN

Chaire industrielle Road4cat (2018-2022)

Laureat Pascal Raybaud:
( description IFPEN)
( description ENS de Lyon)


Molecular Thermodynamics of Ionic Liquids (2018-2021)

Lauréate ENS de Lyon Margarida Costa Gomes:( description)



Lauréate ENS de Lyon Elise Dumont:( description)

Contrats Européens

Puma Mind (2012-2015)

International R&D project that aims to advance the state of knowledge in designing new tools for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs)
Coordination ENS de Lyon : (Lauréat David Loffreda)

Collaborations Industrielles

Collaboration ENS-IFP EN (2021-2025)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Stephan Steimann

Collaboration ENS-IFP EN (2019-2023)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Carine Michel

Collaboration ENS-Solvay-Rhodia (2018-2022)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Carine Michel

Collaboration ENS-Total

Développement d'un outil d'évaluation des paramètres du procédé mis en oeuvre par Hutchinson dans le cas des mélanges PP-EPDM
Développement d'un modèle mésoscale des phénomènes d'adhésion à l'interface des systèmes Silicone-Silane-Métal

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet & Carine Michel

Collaboration ENS-Solvay

Étude théorique au niveau DFT du mécanisme d’oxydation du cyclohexane par des catalyseurs de type métal-oxo.
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet & Carine Michel

FUI LaBS (2009-2013)

Lattice Boltzmann solver
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Emmanuel Lévêque

Projets ANR

ANR VPflows (2021-2024)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Laboratoire de Mathématiques (UMPA):( description)

ANR FRAMA (2021-2024)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Laboratoire de Physique (PHYS):( description)

ANR INGENCAT (2021-2024)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Laboratoire de Chimie (LCH):( description)

ANR NucleoMAP (2020-2025)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Laboratoire de Chimie (LCH):( description)

ANR DYCAT (2019-2023)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Laboratoire de Chimie (LCH):( description)

ANR CryoGrad (2018-2022)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Julien Salort:( description)

ANR LIQUID2 (2018-2023)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Agilio Padua:( description)

ANR Photochromics (2018-2023)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Carine Michel:( description)

ANR TeneMod (2017-2022)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Tangui Le Bahers:( description)

ANR TANOPOL (2015-2019)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Carine Michel:( description)

ANR AZAP (2014-2019)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Paul Fleurat-Lessard:( description)

ANR MASCAT (2014-2018)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Carine Michel

ANR MuSiC (2014-2018)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet:( description)

ANR SHAPes (2013-2017)

Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet, Carine Michel, Paul Fleurat-Lessard ( description)

ANR Ln23 (2014-2017)

Partenaire ENS de Lyon Elise Dumont:( description)

ANR FSCF (2012-2015)

Fluctuations in Structured Coulomb Fluids
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Ralf Everaers

ANR RIDEPORPH (2012-2015)

Exploring the RIDEr ligation at supported PORPHyrins using a combined theory and experiment atomic-sacle approach.
Coordination : Marie-Laure Bocquet

ANR Galac (2011-2015)

Synthèse d'acide acrylique à partir du glycérol via l'acide lactique
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet & Carine Michel

ANR CADENCED (2009-2014)

Computer Assisted Discovery and Elucidation of Novel Catalysts for Economic Development of Saudi Arabia
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet

ANR LORIS (2010-2013)

Numerical Computation of Large Deviations and out-of-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Stefano Ruffo

ANR ChimiGraphN (2010-2013)

Chemisorption, reactivity and defects on graphene
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Marie-Laure Bocquet

ANR Dyquma (2010-2013)

Études théoriques de la dynamique quantique de molécules absorbées
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Philippe Sautet, Wei Dong & David Loffreda

ANR STATOCEAN (2009-2012)

Out of equilibrium statistical mechanics of geophysical flows and applications to the Kuroshio current (east of Japan) and to the Zapiola anticyclone (east of Argentina)
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Freddy Bouchet

ANR Muse (2008-2012)

Couplage Ugi-Smiles : de l'accès éco-compatible à des produits pharmaceutiques à la synthèse de nouveaux ligands pour les métaux lourds
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Paul Fleurat-Lessard


Labex Z-project iMust (2022-2023)

Scientific coordination : S. Steimann :

Labex iMust (2021-2022)

Scientific coordination : S. Steimann :

Labex LIO (2020-2021)

Upgrade of the Common Computing Facility (CCF) Cluster, phase 2 (Q1 2021)

Scientific coordination : J. Blaizot & E. Debayle :
Technical coordination : F. Dubuffet & L. Michel-Dansac

Upgrade of the Common Computing Facility (CCF) Cluster, phase 1 (Q1 2020)

Scientific coordination : J. Blaizot & E. Debayle :
Technical coordination : F. Dubuffet & L. Michel-Dansac

Autres projets

Dissipation des courants océaniques par radiation d'ondes internes (2016-2018)

Dissipation des courants océaniques par radiation d'ondes internes
Coordination : Antoine Venaille

Convection dans le manteau et océans de magma (2015-2018)

Convection dans le manteau et océans de magma
Coordination ENS de Lyon: Stephane Labrosse

Ecoulements turbulents bidimensionnels et géophysiques (2014-2016)

Equation barotrope stochastique 2D
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Freddy Bouchet

SIB_CP (2013-2016)

Développement d’une bibliothèque parallèle dans le domaine de la biologie cellulaire et du traitement d’images
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Cerasela Calugaru et Annamaria Kiss

SIMBIO (2013-2018)

Structure and interactions of molecules with biological activity
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Martin Spichty


A database of computed physical properties of minerals
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Razvan Caracas

PHOENIX Simulator

Star, Brown Dwarf and Planet Simulator

Coordination ENS de Lyon : France Allard

Projets Master

Master BioSciences ENS de Lyon (2014-2015)

Image processing : Anisotropic lter & Level-Set Method for segmentation on 3D biological images (Level Set Method & Anisotropic Blur )
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Annamaria Kiss et Cerasela Calugaru

Collaborations Start-Up

CARPACCIO (2012-2015)

Program for muscle analysis enabling global, unbiased and multi-parametric characterization of fiber populations in muscle cross-sections
Coordination ENS de Lyon : Brian B. Rudkin

Collaborations Fournisseurs