CHEmistry, MOdeling& CHaracterization
of processes at interfaces
CHEmistry, MOdeling& CHaracterization
of processes at interfaces
The major aim in our SMALL ITN network coordinated by prof. James O'Shea (Nottingham) is to explore the nanoscience world with a variety of quantitative tools ranging from synthetic chemistry, surface characterization and interface modeling at the ab initio level.
In order to complement the 22 SMALL phD fellows’s training in nanoscience, it seems timely to illustrate other and complementary means of investigating the SMALL world from a fundamental point of view.
The main objective of this summer school is to widen the knowledge of our fellows along three domains –
CHEmistry, MOdeling and CHaracterization.
From the CHEmistry point of view, it would be nice to complement our previous Supramolecular workshop (organized by Mario Ruben in Baden-Baden September 2011) with other examples of complex organic synthesis in supra-molecular chemistry and in catalysis.
From the MOdeling point of view, the modeling aspect will tentatively extend, on one hand to treat open-shell molecular adsorbates with a particular emphasis on the control of charge (or redox) and spin states and, on the other hand to mimic at best assembly of large molecules using classical force-field calculations.
Concerning CHaracterization, a large variety of tools will be presented such as NMR, electron microscopy (LEEM/TEM), environmental (high pressure) and spin-polarized STM and AFM applied to a variety of interfaces.
Invited speakers are experts covering one or a few aspects matching the possible keywords listed above and they all develop a particular pedagogical skill that will benefit to the training of fellows.
The meeting is aimed to be kept small (~80 participants) with about 16 high-profile external speakers and roughly twice the number of external participants who will be able to present posters.