A two-week comparitive developmental biology course
Here is the list of seminars that form part of a new comparitive developmental biology course at the ENS.
It takes place from the 3rd to the 14th of June 2013.
The format is 2 seminars per day, both in the afternoon (at 13.30 and 14.30).
The series will end with a talk by Lewis Wolpert on Friday the 14th.
Please find the detailed programme here.
– Monday (3/6) Ross Sozzani : Stem cells and plant roots
– Tuesday (4/6) Franziska TURCK : Epigenetics-flowering time
– Wednesday (5/6) Arezki BOUDAOUD : The mechanical identity of stem cells in Arabidopsis
– Thursday (6/6) Christophe GODIN : Modeling the mechanical regulation of morphogenesis in plants
– Friday (7/6) Angela HAY : Evo-devo studies in cardamine flowers
– Tuesday (11/6) Jean-Christophe PALAUQUI : Embryo development in plants
– Wednesday (12/6) Alexis MAZEL : Shining sheets of light onto plant root development
– Thursday (13/6) Abdel BENDAHMANE : Sex determination in plants
– Monday (3/6) Isaac SALAZAR-CIUDAD : Modelling mechanisms of animal evolution
– Tuesday (4/6) Alex McDOUGALL : Fertilisation in animals
– Wednesday (5/6) Samir MERABET : Gene regulation in animals
– Friday (7/6) Laure BALLY-CUIF : Neural stem cells
– Monday (10/6) Nathalie Dostatni : Dynamics of chromatin regulation in Drosophila
– Monday (10/6) Marie-Christine Chaboissier : Sex determination in mice
– Tuesday (11/6) Denis Headon : Skin development
– Wednesday (12/6) Michalis AVEROF : Evo-devo studies in animals
– Thursday (13/6) Thomas LECUIT : Mechanisms od morphogenesis in Drosophila
Closing Plenary Seminar
– Friday (14/6) Lewis Wolpert (University College London) : "The future of developmental biology"