UE Europe - Mechanisms of Development in Plants and Animals (2019-2020)

Sep 30 - Oct 11, 2019
Organisers : Pradeep Das & Stéphane Vincent

Here is the whole schedule

and below are the plant-related talks :

Sep. 30 (Monday)
 13.30 BENOIT LANDREIN (ENS de Lyon)
Nitrate modulates stem cell homeostasis in Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem

Oct 1 (Tuesday)
 13.30 LAURENT LAPLAZE (IRD, Montpellier)
Exploring the gene regulatory network regulating lateral root development

Oct. 3 (Thursday)
 09.30 and 11.00 CHRISTOPHE GODIN (ENS de Lyon)
Phyllotaxis in all its forms :
1. Patterns, symmetries and growth dynamics 2. Molecular interpretation, noise and robustness

Oct. 4 (Friday)
 13.30 EMMANUELLE BAYER (Univ. Bordeaux)
Plasmodesmata pores : cellular machines for intra and intercellular communication ?
 14.30 THOMAS LAUX (Univ. of Freiburg, Germany)
Structural insights into flower meristem development

Oct. 7 (Monday)
Cell walls, plasmodesmata and lateral organ development

Oct. 8 (Tuesday)
 11.00 SABINE MÜLLER (Univ. Tübingen, Germany) – RDP Seminar
Molecular Control of Division Site Maintenance

Oct. 9 (Wednesday)
 13.30 ANJA SCHMIDT (Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany)
Apomictic and sexual plant reproduction

And don’t forget that the speakers will also give a background class in the morning at 9.30. Thomas Laux and Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso will give their classes at 10.30.

Evènement(s) associé(s)