Methodological developments for Systems Biology
- Parameters estimation
- Statistical tools for Systems Biology
- Mixed-effect models
- Identifiability
- Multiscale methodological issues
- Information theory and more.
Education for Systems Biologists
- Inter- or trans-disciplinary training
- Novel methods and tools
- Students’ mobility
- Role of infrastructures and research centers in systems biology education
- Career paths
- Mathematical and computational training for systems biologists
- Training of professional biologists - Interdisciplinary collaborations and more.
Modelling Networks and Circuits
- Deterministic dynamical models (ODEs and PDEs)
- Stochastic models
- Graphical models
- Boolean models
- Network and statistical modeling and more.
- Integration of different omics-data (e.g. transcriptome, metabolome, methylome, ChIP-seq)
- Genome-wide models (e.g. stochastic models based on scRNA-seq)
- Role of genetic variation on systems biology models (of gene regulation, metabolism, development, etc) and more.
Single-cell Systems Biology
- Methodological aspects for single-cell molecular interrogation
- Dedicated statistical tools
- From single cells to tissues, and back
- Single-cell multi-omics and more.
Quantitative Systems Physiology
- Quantitative approaches to microbial physiology
- Phenomenological framework of cellular reproduction
- Growth and the cell cycle
- Coordination of biosynthesis
- Quantitative predictive power of single-cell physiology and more.
Humanities and Social Sciences for Systems Biology: epistemological, social and ethical dimensions of systems biology
- Epistemology of systems biology
- Epistemology of modeling
- Epistemology of interdisciplinarity
- Ethical questions raised by systems biology and systems medicine and more.
Developmental Systems Biology
- Plant and animal cellular and tissue-level development and differentiation
- Morphogenesis
- Patterning and growth in the developing embryo
- Tissue and organ development and more.
Systems Neurosciences
- Network-based approaches to brain function
- Neural networks
- Molecular and cellular approaches for modelling brain structure and functions
- Electrophysiology, in vivo imaging and more.
Systems Medicine
- Systems approaches to healthcare and drug discovery
- Systems and personalised medicine
- Big data for systems medicine
- Systems biology for cancer, immunology, stem cells, aging and more.
Systems Biology for Synthetic Biology
- Biotechnology and new energy
- Artificial cells, tissues and organoids
- Cell optimisation and more.
Multiscale Systems Biology
- Coupling large-scale networks (regulatory, metabolic and signalling networks)
- Cellular populations to ecological interactions
- From microbiome to host physiology
- Systems analysis for environment management and more.
Evolutionary and Ecological Systems Biology
- Systems approach to evolution and evolution of systems
- Networks evolution
- Study of ecosystems
- Interactions within and between biological and ecological systems
- Comparative genomics
- Microbiomes, microbial communities and more.
Systems Biomechanics
- Biofluid mechanics
- Dynamical biophysics
- Biotribology
- Comparative biomechanics and more.