
Welcome to RAMiCS 2017, the 16th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science. It will take place at ENS Lyon, France, from May 15 to May 18, 2017.

For more than two decades, the RAMiCS conferences series has been the main venue for research on the theory of relation algebras, Kleene algebras and similar algebraic formalisms, and their applications as conceptual and methodological tools in computer science and beyond.

Theoretical topics include the use of semigroups, residuated lattices, semirings, Kleene algebras, relation algebras and quantales in the theory of automata, concurrency, formal languages, games, networks, programming languages and social choice, and the development of algorithmic, category-theoretic, coalgebraic, proof-theoretic and theorem proving methods for these.

Applications include tools and techniques for program correctness, quantitative and qualitative models for computing systems, logics for programs, games, social choice and distributed systems, the design of algorithms, network protocol analysis, and optimisation and control.

Invited Speakers

  • Annabelle McIver (Macquarie University, Sydney)
    ``Algebra for Quantitative Information Flow''
  • Jean-Éric Pin (CNRS, IRIF, Paris)
    ``Dual space of a lattice as the completion of a Pervin space''
  • Alexandra Silva (University College, London)
    ``A (co)algebraic theory of succinct acceptors''



RAMiCS'17 was financially supported by the fonds recherche of ENS de Lyon and the Labex MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070) of Université de Lyon, within the program Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR).