ExtremeGreen2014 will occur in Chicago during CCGrid 2014 in May 2014 !

ExtremeGreen: Extreme Green & Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems

May 13-16, 2013, Delft, The Netherlands

during CCGrid 2013 : the 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing


ExtremeGreen workshop is supported by the European COST Action IC804

Workshop co-chairs:

Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon, France - laurent.lefevre@inria.fr

Marcos Dias de Assuncao, IBM Research, Brazil marcosda@br.ibm.com

Anne-Cécile Orgerie, CNRS, France - anne-cecile.orgerie@irisa.fr

Workshop Program :

Monday May 13, 2013 :

Workshop description :

Improving the energy efficiency of large-scale distributed systems (e.g. data centres and Clouds) is a key challenge for both academic and industrial organizations. Although the topic has gained lots of attention over the past years, some of the proposed solutions often seem conservative and not easily applicable to large-scale systems. Their impact at large-scale remains to be proved. Hence, this workshop aims to provide a venue for discussion of ideas that can demonstrate "more than small % solution" to energy efficiency and their applicability to "real world". . The ExtremeGreen workshop will focus on scientific and industrial approaches and solutions that could have a large impact in terms of energy savings and energy efficiency. Clean-slate approaches and innovative solutions breaking conventional approaches are welcome. The workshop also welcomes submissions of work-in-progress papers on ideas that can have a large impact on improving the energy efficiency of large-scale distributed systems. The papers must provide preliminary results that demonstrate the originality and possible impact of the proposed solutions. Submissions will be reviewed by an international group of experts in distributed systems and energy efficiency.

Topics of interests :

Important dates :

Papers submission :

Submitted papers must be 8 pages long maximum. Authors must submit their articles through the submission system : https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=extremegreen2013 .

Program Commitee :