Using SSH keys and SSH agent

Most oftenly, the SSH client is used with a pair [user + password] to connect to a remote machine.

However, it is strongly recommended to use authentication via private/public key pair 1 to connect to a remote server.


As a good analogy, it is like using a public padlock (public key) and a private key (which is securely locked).

Moreover, using an SSH agent, you can avoid typing passwords everytime.

Generate a key set

To generate your personal key set, use the same commands as the one to generate the PSMN internal key.


IMPORTANT STEP ADDED : define a passphrase to lock your private key.

For Windows users, relate to Windows 10 documentation.

For Linux, BSD et MacOS X, here are the main steps to follow:

Step 1 : Start generating a set of keys

In a ‘terminal’, use the ssh-keygen command:

user@workstation:~$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
            <Appuyer la touche Enter>
Created directory '/home/user/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):


New default parameters of SSH may generate a ed25519 key type. Replace .rsa by .ed25519 in next parts of this documentation.

Step 2 : Choose a good/strong passphrase

This is a bad passphrase:


If the passphrase is too short or too poor, the program will answer:

Enter same passphrase again:
passphrase too short: have 4 bytes, need > 4
Saving the key failed: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.

This is a good passphrase (altought quite complicated):

A bottle of "Glenfîddich Rare Collection 1937" cost 15 000 euros VAT. Minimum...

You can use diceware, on allo-psmn, to create a random passphrase (And/or apg for randomly generated passwords). But creating your own is a much better practice.

~$ diceware --delimiter " "
Cathouse Acid Tripping Perkiness Chop Footrest

Be aware that altought any lettering is allowed in passphrases, using unicode might cause problems. "Password Strength"

Fig. 5 The relevant XKCD

You can read this excellent article about usability of passwords.

Step 3: Finish the keyset generation

Finally ssh-keygen says:

Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/

A fingerprint is also generated (as below):

The key fingerprint is:
7a:ec:b2:1c:90:f5:2f:77:c5:bc:36:8b:0f:23:2e:76 user@workstation
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|                 |
|                 |
|      .          |
|     o .     o   |
|    o   S     +  |
|     . o .   . . |
|      o + + + +  |
|     ..+o+Eo = o |
|      o+.o. ..o  |

Step 4: Save your ssh key set

You can copy/paste the fingerprint verification (fingerprint + randomart image) into a file ~/.ssh/fingerprint.

Save a copy of your private key (id_rsa), your fingerprint file (fingerprint) and your public key (, in a safe and personal place (a USB key, for example).

Load ssh agent

Linux / BSD / MacOS X

The simplest way to load your ssh-agent is:


The agent will be loaded for the entire session on all opened terminals.


There’s a lot of alternative methods:

  • Use ssh-askpass, ssh-askpass-gnome or ksshaskpass from your favorite distribution…

  • load ssh-agent in a script:

eval `ssh-agent`

You can use a script (in your ~/.bashrc) to start keychain, and use it in your session:

# add key(s) to agent
eval `keychain --eval --agents ssh id_rsa`


On MacOSX Keychain, you may add the option ‘’–inherit any’’ (If, every time you open a new Terminal window, keychain ask for your passphrase, remove the ‘’–inherit any’’ option):

# add key(s) to agent
eval `keychain --eval --agents ssh --inherit any id_rsa`


See this documentation to activate SSH on Windows 10, then use the commands above.

Broadcast the public key

For the automatic login to work (ie: without password, but with passphrase), your personal public key (or padlock, must be on all target servers, into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

At PSMN, your /home is shared between all nodes, so, from your workstation, simply do as below:

scp ~/.ssh/ mylogin@allo-psmn:~/

mylogin@allo-psmn's password:                    100%  9KB 9.3KB/s   00:00

Then add (>>) your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:

ssh mylogin@allo-psmn
mylogin@allo-psmn's password:

cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys

If you have successfully loaded your ssh-agent, you can now login to allo-psmn without providing your password:

user@workstation:~$ ssh

(mylogin corresponding to your login at PSMN)

Hops and multihops

The servers (calculations, preview, data) are sometimes behind several firewalls or gateways (or multi-hop SSH, “rebonds” SSH in French). The SSH documentation explains how to pass a single gateway (ProxyCommand option). It is possible to cumulate this system of “bridge jump” several times. For this example, we will detail multi-hop SSH from the network shown below.

SSH multi-hops

Fig. 6 The Workstation (your computer!) reach the server vizu.psmn through two SSH gateways (red path).

From a Mac/Linux/BSD machine

Manual multihop

We are going to manually accumulate connections (blue paths):

user@workstation:~$ ssh$ ssh allo-psmn
mylogin@allo-psmn:~$ ssh vizu.psmn

These manual operations can be automatized ( must be replaced by if you don’t have an ENS account).

Automated multihop

You need to add the gateways and target servers entries in the ~/.ssh/config file on your workstation. By adding up the different connections as you go.

Configuration example

You can automate these connection steps by using this SSH config file (~/.ssh/config) on your workstation.

Host *
    ServerAliveInterval 60
    ForwardX11Timeout 1d
    TCPKeepAlive yes
    ForwardAgent yes
    ForwardX11 yes         # for Linux
#    ForwardX11Trusted yes  # for MacOSX
    Compression yes
#    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new
    HashKnownHosts no

# internal gateway
Host allo-psmn
    User myloginpsmn

# connection to x5570comp1 from within ENS network
Host x5570comp1
    Hostname x5570comp1
    User myloginpsmn
    # ProxyCommand ssh myloginpsmn@allo-psmn netcat -w1 %h %p
    ProxyJump allo-psmn

# connection to e5-2670comp2 from within ENS network
Host e5-2670comp2
    Hostname e5-2670comp2
    User myloginpsmn
    # ProxyCommand ssh myloginpsmn@allo-psmn netcat -w1 %h %p
    ProxyJump allo-psmn

# external gateway
# pay attention to logins!

Host ssh-psmn
    User myloginpsmn

Host ssh-ens
    User myloginens

Host allo-externe
    User myloginpsmn
    # ProxyCommand ssh tcpconnect allo-psmn %p
    ProxyJump ssh-psmn
    # User myloginens
    # ProxyCommand ssh tcpconnect allo-psmn %p
    # ProxyJump ssh-ens

# connection to x5570comp1 from outside ENS network
Host x5570comp1-ext
    HostName x5570comp1
    User myloginpsmn
    # ProxyCommand ssh myloginpsmn@allo-externe netcat -w1 %h %p
    ProxyJump allo-externe

# connection to e5-2670comp2 from outside ENS network
Host e5-2670comp2-ext
    Hostname e5-2670comp2
    User myloginpsmn
    # ProxyCommand ssh myloginpsmn@allo-externe netcat -w1 %h %p
    ProxyJump allo-externe

# tunnel to visualization server from within ENS network
Host r740visu
    Hostname r740visu
    User myloginpsmn
    Proxyjump allo-psmn  # from inside ENS network
    # ProxyJump allo-externe  # from outside ENS network

You need to replace myloginpsmn by your own PSMN login, and myloginens by your own ENS login (if you have an ENS account). If you use ProxyCommand, netcat -w1 can be replaced by tcpconnect.

You can use as many hops as you need. The list of connection servers (login nodes) to the PSMN is available here.