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In and around

The LJC Joliot-Curie Laboratory owns, or is home to, all the equipment required to host most transdisciplinary projects with a biology twist :

  • Tools for molecular biology : nucleic acids and proteins electrophoresis, thermocyclers, real-time thermocycler, microfuges, tabletop ultracentrifuge, precision balances, incubators etc…
  • A class II biosafety cell culture facility dedicated to mammalian, insect, plant cells, complete with class II biosafety cabinets, CO2 incubators, microscopes...
  • Walk in environmental chambers at 4°C and 37°C for biochemistry and bacteria culture.
  • Two ACTA FPLC purifiers.
  • Wide field, phase contrast, epifluorescence microscopes.
  • Time lapse microscope for cell culture imaging.
  • Confocal microscope and TIRF microscope.
  • AFM and fluorescence-coupled AFM.
  • An environmental scanning electron microscope.
  • A radioactivity room.

In addition, thanks to its central position in the Lyon Gerland campus, and partnerships with surrounding labs, scientists at LJC have access in a walking distance, to advanced shared facilities and expertise, including :

Most of these facilities are hosted by the Unité Mixte de Service UMS3444/US8 Biosciences , a federative endeavor that totals more than 800 scientists, engineers and technicians at the Gerland - Lyon Sud campus.