
Scientific Environment


  Laboratories at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon


The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon houses many laboratories covering all scientifique disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, computer science as well as social sciences. Four laboratories are dedicated to biological research: the Laboratory of Biology and Modeling of the Cell to which our group belongs, the Plant Reproduction and Development laboratory, the International Center for Infectiology Research, and the Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon.

For more details, please feel free to download this booklet describing all research groups of ENS de Lyon [ 7.5 Mo ].

The school actively supports these laboratories, which share a lot of common resources and facilities, such as access to bibliography, the powerful Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique computer cluster, technology transfer, glassware cleaning services, stock of consummables, etc...


sfr biosciences  Facilities of BioSciences Gerland Lyon-Sud


The campus is not the only place running biological research in the Gerland district of Lyon. The expertise of many additional researchers is available 'across the street' from the Institute for Protein Biology and Chemistry, the laboratory of Retroviruses and Comparative Pathology, and the laboratory of Emergent infections. All these  labs, together with the ones of the Ecole  Normale Supérieure, are gathered in a network called SFR Biosciences, where many resources and facilities have been developped to provide all research groups with provileged access to expensive technologies: flow cytometry, microscopy imaging, animal facility, protein production and analysis, confined laboratory space, drosophila and fish genetics and more.



(click on images to access websites)

3Dfab 3D printing for Life Sciences (microfabrications)

 Mass Spec Facility in CPE La Doua

(Centre Commun de Spectroscopie de Masse, Lyon 1)

HiSeq 20001

NGS Sequencing and genomics



logo biosyl vert violet vectoriel  Systems Biology at university of Lyon


Our group is a member of BioSyL, a network of research groups involved in Systems Biology. These groups located in Lyon and Saint-Etienne are from all disciplines, and diverse institutions. They investigate various biological questions, and they share in common the implication of modeling and data mining to obtain answers. BioSyL activities foster local collaborations and international connexions.