
Equipe Complexité génétique des systèmes vivants
Laboratoire de Biologie et Modélisation de la Cellule
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46 Allée d'Italie
69007 LYON
Phone: please see the members page 

Directions to reach the laboratory

Important: you will be heading to ENS de Lyon, Site Monod and NOT to ENS de Lyon site Descartes

From train station Gare SNCF Part-Dieu. Take the B subway (Metro), direction 'Hôpital Lyon Sud / Saint Genis Laval', and get off at Debourg. Exit the station by the stairs or elevator located at the head of the platform (i.e. next to the head and NOT the tail of the train). The stairs lead you to Avenue Jean-Jaurès. Walk straight ahead to the first traffic light and cross the avenue (that is, take to the right). Then walk straight ahead in street Challemel-Lacour until you reach a square with several shops and restaurants. Move ahead to the Allée d'Italie which is a pedestrian-only street across the square. The institute is located at the end of the street, access to the laboratory is via the main entrance located on your left under the large arch formed by the buildings. Please check-in at the front desk.

From Saint-Exupéry Airport. The Rhonexpress tram will lead you downtown. The tram departure platform is located within the train station of the airport. To find it, simply follow the signs leading you to the train station.  You can buy tickets on the platform. Once in the tram, get off at 'Gare SNCF Part-Dieu', and follow the instructions above.