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science:publications:accueil [2019/06/11 09:21] – [2019] cicalugascience:publications:accueil [2020/06/22 14:23] – [2020] cicaluga
Ligne 3: Ligne 3:
 Les publications sont listées "en vrac" par années. Les publications sont listées "en vrac" par années.
-===== 2019 ===== +===== 2020 ===== 
 +   * **Lamya Ben Ameur, Paul Marie, Morgan Thenoz, Guillaume Giraud, Emmanuel Combe, Jean-Baptiste Claude, Sebastien Lemaire, Nicolas Fontrodona, Hélène Polveche, Marine Bastien, Antoine Gessain, Eric Wattel, Cyril F Bourgeois, Didier Auboeuf , Franck Mortreux **, Intragenic Recruitment of NF-κB Drives Splicing Modifications Upon Activation by the Oncogene Tax of HTLV-1, 
 +Juin 2020.  **//Nature Comm.//**,(2020) DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-16853-x 
 +   * **K. Bernardino, K. Goloviznina, A.A.H. Padua, M.C.C. Ribeiro **, Ion Pair Free Energy Surface as a Probe of Ionic Liquid Structure, **//J. Chem. Phys.//**, (2020) DOI: 10.1063/1.5128693 
 +   * **Barnes Loic, Allouche Abdul-Rahman, Chambert Stéphane, Schindler Baptiste, Compagnon Isabelle **, Ion spectroscopy of heterogeneous mixtures: IRMPD and DFT analysis of anomers and conformers of monosaccharides, **//International Journal of Mass Spectrometry//**, 2020 
 +   * **R. Schira, F. Rabilloud **, Oxidation-Induced Surface Plasmon Band Fragmentation in Silver Clusters, **//J. Phys. Chem.//** C 124, 968-975 (2020) 
 +===== 2019 ===== 
 +   * **K. Goloviznina, J.N. Canongia Lopes, M. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua**, A Transferable, Polarisable Force Field for Ionic Liquids, **//J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15//** (2019) 5858−5871, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00689 
 +   * **Thapa, Indira; Ntais, Spyridon; Clément, Roxanne; Baranova, Elena A; Gu, Qingyi; Steinmann, Stephan N; Michel, Carine; Lau, M Kit; Hass, Cathy S; Millis, Jim**, C6 Diacids from homocitric acid lactone using relay heterogeneous catalysis in water,**//Catalysis Today//**,319,,191-196,2019,Elsevier 
 +   * **Schweitzer, Benjamin; Steinmann, Stephan N; Michel, Carine**, Can microsolvation effects be estimated from vacuum computations? A case-study of alcohol decomposition at the H 2 O/Pt (111) interface,**//Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics//**,21,10,5368-5377,2019,Royal Society of Chemistry 
 +   * **Staub, Ruben; Iannuzzi, Marcella; Khaliullin, Rustam Z; Steinmann, Stephan N**, Energy Decomposition Analysis for Metal Surface–Adsorbate Interactions by Block Localized Wave Functions,**//Journal of chemical theory and computation//**,15,1,265-275,2018,American Chemical Society 
 +   * **Réocreux, Romain; Michel, Carine; Fleurat-Lessard, Paul; Sautet, Philippe; Steinmann, Stephan N**, Evaluating Thermal Corrections for Adsorption Processes at the Metal/Gas Interface,**//The Journal of Physical Chemistry C//**,123,47,28828-28835,2019,ACS Publications 
 +   * **Hajar, Yasmine M; Treps, Laureline; Michel, Carine; Baranova, Elena A; Steinmann, Stephan N**, Theoretical insight into the origin of the electrochemical promotion of ethylene oxidation on ruthenium oxide,**//Catalysis Science & Technology//**,9,21,5915-5926,2019,Royal Society of Chemistry 
 +   * **Mom, Rik Valentijn; Melissen, Sigismund TAG; Sautet, Philippe; Frenken, Joost WM; Steinmann, Stephan N; Groot, Irene MN**, The Pressure Gap for Thiols: Methanethiol Self-Assembly on Au (111) from Vacuum to 1 bar,**//The Journal of Physical Chemistry //**,2019,ACS Publications 
 +   * **Blanck, Sarah; Loehlé, Sophie; Steinmann, Stephan N; Michel, Carine**, Adhesion of lubricant on aluminium through adsorption of additive head-groups on γ-alumina: A DFT study,**//Tribology International//**,106140,2019,Elsevier 
 +   * **Beurton F, Stempor P, Caron M, Appert A, Dong Y, Chen RA, Cluet D, Couté Y, Herbette M, Huang N, Polveche H, Spichty M, Bedet C, Ahringer J, Palladino F.**, Physical and functional interaction between SET1/COMPASS complex component CFP-1 and a Sin3S HDAC complex in C. elegans, oct. 2019, **//Nucleic Acids Research//**, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz880 
 +   * **Lemaire S, Fontrodona N, Aubé F, Claude JB, Polvèche H, Modolo L, Bourgeois CF, Mortreux F Auboeuf D.**, Characterizing the interplay between gene nucleotide composition bias and splicing, nov. 2019 **//Genome Biology//**, doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1869-y 
 +   * **Marius Socol,  Renjie Wang,  Daniel Jost,  Pascal Carrivain,  Cédric Vaillant,  Eric Le Cam, Vincent Dahirel,  Christophe Normand,  Kerstin Bystricky,  Jean-Marc Victor,  Olivier Gadal, Aurélien Bancaud **, Rouse model with transient intramolecular contacts on a timescale of seconds recapitulates folding and fluctuation of yeast chromosomes, **//Nucleic Acids Research//**,Volume 47, Issue 12, 09 July 2019, Pages 6195–6207, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz374  
 +   * **Sheikha Lardhi, Antton Curutchet, Luigi Cavallo, Moussab Harb, Tangui Le Bahers. ** Ab initio assessment of Bi 1−x RE x CuOS (RE = La, Gd, Y, Lu) solid solutions as a semiconductor for photochemical water splitting.  **//Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry//**, 2017, 19 (19), pp.12321 - 12330. ⟨10.1039/c7cp01684k⟩. ⟨hal-01889554⟩ 
 +   * **O. Liot, D. Martin-Calle, A. Gay, J. Salort, F. Chillà and M. Bourgoin **, Pair dispersion in inhomogeneous turbulent thermal convection **//Phys. Rev. Fluids//**, 4, 094603 (2019) http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.094603 
 +   * **Chaabene Marwa, and Gassoumi Bouzid, Mignon Pierre, Chaâbane Rafik Ben and Allouche Abdul-Rahman**, New zinc phthalocyanine derivatives for nitrogen dioxide sensors: A theoretical optoelectronic investigation, **//Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling//**, 2019 
 +   * **Hervé Marius, Brédy Richard, Karras Gabriel, Concina Bruno, Brown Jeffery M, Allouche Abdul-Rahman, Lepine Franck, Compagnon Isabelle**, On-the-fly Femtosecond Action Spectroscopy of Charged Cyanine Dyes: Electronic Structure versus Geometry, **//The journal of physical chemistry letters//**, 2019 
 +   * **SchindlerB, Legentil L, Allouche A.R., Ferrières V, Compagnon I.C**, Spectroscopic diagnostic for the ring-size of carbohydrates in the gas phase: furanose and pyranose forms of GalNAc, **//Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics//**, 2019 
 +   * **Soury, Raoudha and Chaabene, Marwa and Jabli, Mahjoub and Saleh, Tawfik A and Chaaben, Rafik Ben and Saint-Aman, Eric and Loiseau, Frédérique and Philouze, Christain and Allouche, Abdul-Rahman and Nasri, Habib**, Meso-tetrakis (3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl) porphyrin derivatives: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterizations and adsorption of NO2, **//Chemical Engineering Journal//**, 2019 
 +   * **Abdelaziz, Moussaoui and Kamel, Alioua and Abdul-rahman, Allouche and Moncef, Bouledroua**, Theoretical investigation of the pressure broadening D1 and D2 lines of cesium atoms colliding with ground-state helium atoms, **//Chinese Physics B//**, 2019 
 +   * **C. Herbert, R. Caballero and F. Bouchet**, Atmospheric bistability and abrupt transitions to superrotation: wave-jet resonance and Hadley cell feedbacks, **//Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences//**, vol. 77, no. 1, arXiv:1905.12401, [pdf], https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-19-0089.1 
 +   * **F. Ragone and F. Bouchet**, Computation of extremes values of time averaged observables in climate models with large deviation techniques, **//J. Stat. Phys.//**, pp 1–29, arXiv:1907.05762, [pdf], https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-019-02429-7 
 +   * **T. Lestang, F. Bouchet, and E. Lévêque**, Rare-event sampling applied to the simulation of extreme mechanical efforts exerted by a turbulent flow on a bluf body, hal-02347024v1 
 +   * **R. Schira, F. Rabilloud**, Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in Silver Nanoclusters Agn n=20-147, **//J. Phys. Chem. //**C 123, 6205-6212  (2019) 
 +   * **Renaud, A., Nadeau, L. P., & Venaille, A.**, Periodicity Disruption of a Model Quasibiennial Oscillation of Equatorial Winds. **//Physical Review Letters//**, 122(21), 214504., https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.214504 
 +   * **Renaud, A., & Venaille, A. **, Boundary streaming by internal waves. **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics//**, 858, 71-90. 
 +   * **R. D. Schram, A. Rosa, R. Everaers **, Local loop opening in untangled ring polymer melts: A detailed "Feynman test" of models for the large scale structure, **//Soft Matter//** 15, 2418. DOI:10.1039/C8SM02587H 
 +   * **Fontrodona N, Aubé F, Claude JB, Polvèche H, Lemaire S, Tranchevent LC, Modolo L, Mortreux F, Bourgeois CF, Auboeuf D**, Interplay between coding and exonic splicing regulatory sequences **//Genome Research May 2019//** 29(5):711-722. doi: 10.1101/gr.241315.118. (2019).
    * **E. Horne, F. Beckebanze, D. Micard, P. Odier, L.R.M. Maas, S. Joubaud**, Particle transport induced by internal wave beam streaming in lateral boundary layers **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 870//**, 848-869 (2019). [ImpactFactor: 2.893 | H index:180  | SJR 2017: 1.591]    * **E. Horne, F. Beckebanze, D. Micard, P. Odier, L.R.M. Maas, S. Joubaud**, Particle transport induced by internal wave beam streaming in lateral boundary layers **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 870//**, 848-869 (2019). [ImpactFactor: 2.893 | H index:180  | SJR 2017: 1.591]
Ligne 10: Ligne 79:
    * **Marwa Chaabene, Bouzid Gassoumi, Pierre Mignon, Rafik Ben Chaâbane, Abdul-Rahman Allouche **, New zinc phthalocyanine derivatives for nitrogen dioxide sensors: A theoretical optoelectronic investigation, **//Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling//**, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmgm.2019.01.008. [ImpactFactor: 1.885 | H index:  64 | SJR 2017: 0.51]    * **Marwa Chaabene, Bouzid Gassoumi, Pierre Mignon, Rafik Ben Chaâbane, Abdul-Rahman Allouche **, New zinc phthalocyanine derivatives for nitrogen dioxide sensors: A theoretical optoelectronic investigation, **//Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling//**, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmgm.2019.01.008. [ImpactFactor: 1.885 | H index:  64 | SJR 2017: 0.51]
-===== 2018 ===== + 
 +   * **Pillet G, Maas L.R.M., Dauxois T. **, Internal wave attractors in 3D geometries : A dynamical systems approach, **//European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 77, 1-16 //**, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2019.01.008 [ImpactFactor: 1.885 | H index:  64 | SJR 2017: 0.51] 
 +   * **Davis G., Dauxois T., Jamin T., Joubaud S. **, Energy budget in internal wave attractor experiments, **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 880, 743-763//**, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2019.741 [ImpactFactor: 1.885 | H index:  64 | SJR 2017: 0.51] 
 +   * **Goloviznina K., Costa Gomes M., Padua A. **,  Polarisable forcefield for molecular dynamics simulations of ionic liquids, the **//10th International conference of chemistry Toulouse-Kiev (ICTK-10)//**, June 3-5, 2019, Toulouse, France. (poster) 
 +   * **Goloviznina K., Costa Gomes M., Padua A. **, Prediction of dispersion and induction components for polarizable molecular simulations of ionic liquids, **//The 8th International congress on ionic liquids (COIL-8)//**, May 13-17, 2019, Beijing, China. (poster) 
 +===== 2018 ===== 
 +   * **Isabella Norrbo, Antton Curutchet, Ari Kuusisto, Jaakko Mäkelä, Pekka Laukkanen, et al..** Solar UV index and UV dose determination with photochromic hackmanites: from the assessment of the fundamental properties to the device.  **//Materials Horizons, cRoyal Society of Chemistry//**, 2018, 5 (3), pp.569 - 576. ⟨10.1039/C8MH00308D⟩. ⟨hal-01889515⟩ 
 +   * **F. RAGONE, J. WOUTERS, and F. BOUCHET**, Computation of extreme heat waves in climate models using a large deviation algorithm, **//Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences//**, vol 115, no 1, pages 24-29, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1712645115, and arXiv:1709.03757, [pdf]. 
 +   * **F. BOUCHET, J. MARSTON, and T. TANGARIFE**, Fluctuations and large deviations of Reynolds' stresses in zonal jet dynamics, **//Physics of Fluids//** 30, 015110, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4990509, and arXiv:1706.08810, [pdf]. 
 +   * **T. LESTANG, F. RAGONE, C.E. BREHIER, C. HERBERT, and F. BOUCHET**, Computing return times with rare event algorithms, **//Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment//**, 2018, vol. 2018, no 4, p. 043213, https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/aab856, arXiv:1709.03757, [pdf] 
 +   * **Staub, Ruben; Iannuzzi, Marcella; Khaliullin, Rustam Z; Steinmann, Stephan N**, Energy Decomposition Analysis for Metal Surfaceâ Adsorbate Interactions by Block Localized Wave Functions, **//Journal of chemical theory and computation//**,15,1,265-275,2018,American Chemical Society 
 +   * **S. Mahtout, C. Siouani, F. Rabilloud**, Growth behavior and electronic structure of noble metal-doped germanium clusters, **//J. Phys. Chem.//** A 122, 662-677 (2018) 
 +   * **C Hocquet, X Robellet, L Modolo, X-M Sun, C Burny, S Cuylen-Haering, E Toselli, S Clauder-Münster, L Steinmetz, Ch H Haering, S Marguerat and P Bernard**, Condensin controls cellular RNA levels through the accurate segregation of chromosomes instead of directly regulating transcription, **//eLife 2018//**, Published online 2018 Sep 19. doi: 10.7554/eLife.38517 (2018).  
 +   * **T Dauxois, S Joubaud, P Odier, A Venaille**, Instabilities of Internal Gravity Waves, **//Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 50//**, 131-156 (2018). [ImpactFactor: 14.814 | H index:150  | SJR 2017: 5.943]
    * **S Nasraoui, NB Brahim, NBH Mohamed, RB Chaabane, AR Allouche **, Theoretical and experimental investigation on ligands-CdS clusters interactions: Influence of solvent, **//Journal of Molecular Structure 1173//**, 894-902 2018. [ImpactFactor: 2.011 | H index:  84 | SJR 2017: 0.41]     * **S Nasraoui, NB Brahim, NBH Mohamed, RB Chaabane, AR Allouche **, Theoretical and experimental investigation on ligands-CdS clusters interactions: Influence of solvent, **//Journal of Molecular Structure 1173//**, 894-902 2018. [ImpactFactor: 2.011 | H index:  84 | SJR 2017: 0.41] 
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