PSMN - Scientific Pole of Numerical Modelling

The PSMN, Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique, is the High Performance Computing facility of the ENS of Lyon. We host a large computational power (around 12000 cores [at end-2019] ) and provide a fast and flexible access to it. Our team ensure the maintenance of the entire cluster, the software's' installation, as well as the training and support to users.

Together with its counterparts from other universities in Lyon (P2CHPD at Lyon I and PMCS2I at ECL), the PSMN is part of the FLMSN,-Fédération Lyonnaise de Modélisation et Sciences Numérique-, the regional High Performance Compting center of Lyon. This regional Computing Center is one of the most powerfull in France, home to “equipement d'excellence” of the Equip@Meso project, coordinated by GENCI ( in charge of providing high-performance computing resources to promote the use of intensive computing for the benefit of the French scientific communities).

From the European HPC (High Performance Computing) hierarchy, the FLMSN, -Lyon's regional Computing Center-, is a “Tier-2”. GENCI's National Calculation Centers is “Tier-1”, and finally the largest supercomputers on a European scale (such as PRACE) ensure a “Tier-0”.

See : About PSMN's and CBP's creation.

Le Centre Blaise Pascal - CBP

Centre Blaise Pascal, home of numerical modeling, is a place of gathering for all scientific fields around digital modeling: it takes various forms, ranging from conferences to research projects and training programs. The CBP facility consists of a wide range of computational resources (such as computing clusters, dedicated servers, collaborative work tools, a forge platform, a room for practical training, etc.), it is also equipped with offices, meeting rooms and conference rooms.

The research part of CBP's activities works as an interdisciplinary structure offering full support to given scientific projects (for a specified amount of time). We welcome researchers and working groups interested in the development of new methods and new digital tools in agreement with technology's advancement. We provide them with a powerful and exportable work environment throughout the school and we offer general computer and mathematical supports for code development, software integration, data storage, analysis and publishing. The training part of CBP's activities, is integrated in MSc programs and doctoral schools of the University of Lyon. The interdisciplinary conferences programs and the scientific animations ensure contact between local students, engineers and researchers with the best national and international specialists.

en/accueil/presentation.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/08/25 15:58 de