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20250218 / Clusters perturbations

A bunch of power supply elements went down last night, powering off 12 Cascade nodes, including s92node01, and 12 Lake nodes.

We are processing it.

2025/02/18 08:25 · ltaulell

20250213 / New partitions (reminder)

There are 3 new partitions available in the Cascade cluster, described here:

Some of these nodes are available thanks to CPER CINAURA.

Also, E5 cluster will be decommissioned soon. E5 partitions will be replaced by Lake equivalent. Work in progress… Stay tuned.

2025/02/13 10:36 · ltaulell

20250211 / Partial poweroff (Cascade)

A bunch of power supply elements went down last night, powering off 36 nodes, including s92node01.

We are processing it.

2025/02/11 10:49 · ltaulell

20250130 / Cascade cluster perturbations

Following some tests on E5-short, a new frequency set will be made available on Cascade nodes. For that, they need a reboot.

Nothing to do from your part, except some patience (while draining/rebooting nodes).

2025/01/30 10:53 · ltaulell

20250113 / LDAP auth

So, early this morning, LDAP server decided, on it's own, that “nope, not today.”

After a convicing hammer blow, it restarted. Also, ssh.psmn and allo-psmn have been rebooted.

Youpi Lundi and Bests whishes for 2025…

2025/01/13 08:02 · ltaulell
news/blog.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/08/25 15:58 de