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You are here: Home / Seminars / Colloquium / Modify Gravity

Modify Gravity

Karim Noui (LMPT Tours & APC Paris 7)
When Mar 05, 2018
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where Amphi. Schrödinger
Attendees Karim Noui
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Once again, Einstein was right! The recent detection of gravitational waves is exceptional, but it confirms what Einstein predicted 100 years ago... However, there are reasons to think that general relativity may not be the "final" theory of space-time and could be modified at very "large" scale and/or at very "short" scale. During this colloquium, I am going to present the reasons why gravity is expected to be modified and also how it can be modified... hoping for a detection of these modifications in the near future, maybe thanks to the gravitational waves.

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