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SIgnaux, SYstèmes et PHysiquE



[Conference EUSICO 2024 in Lyon] We will host the EUSIPCO 2024 Conference in Lyon, 26-30 August 2024. EUSIPCO is the European Signal Processing Conference [EUSIPCO 2024 Website]

[Award: Subvention Simone et Cino Del Duca, 2023] Congratulations to Nelly Pustelnik, with the team constituted of Marion Foare, Adrien Meynard, Elisa Riccietti and Julian Tachella, for obtaining this subvention for a young research group, for their research program about large scale inverse problems.

[Award 2023] Congratulations to Patrick Flandrin being the recipient to the 2023 IEEE SPS Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award,  “for contributions to education in time-frequency-based methods and their mathematical foundations.” See

[Awards at EUSICO 2023 1/3] Congratulations to Thummaluru Siddartha Reddy for his Student Best Paper Award at EUSIPCO 2023 in Helsinki, Finland. Happy of this work with him & Prof. Sundeep Chepuri, both from Department of Electrical and Communication EngineeringIndian Institute of Science, during their visit LP ENSL (ENS de Lyon, CNRS), thanks to IFCAM (IISc-CNRS)! Well deserved! The work: arXiv:2303.07646 "Clustering with Simplicial Complexes"

[Awards at EUSICO 2023 2/3] From the group, Patrick Flandrin will receive the Technical Achievement Award of the EURASIP society, for "seminal contributions to time-frequency and time-scale analysis at the interfaces between signal processing and nonlinear physics". Bravo !

[Awards at EUSICO 2023 3/3] Patrice Abry is elevated as EURASIP Fellow, for "contributions to scale-free temporal and spatial dynamics modelling and analysis in signals and images". Congratulations!

[Sep. 2023] We are pleased to host Ass. Prof. Luis Briceno-Arias, from Universidad Tecnica Federico santa Maria, Chile, as invited Professor at our lab. He will give a talk during his stay (on Sept. 19, 1 pm) and a lecture on "Fixed point iterations of non-expansive operators in algorithmes for convex optimization (contact Nelly Pustelnik for the precise schedule).

[June-July  2023] We are pleased to host Prof. André Khalil, from University of Maine (Director of CompuMAINE Lab). He gives a colloquium on July 3rd, on "Longitudinal case-control study of mammographic breast tissue subtypes".

[April  2023] We are pleased to host Ass. Prof. Marcelo Pereyra, from Heriot-Watt University. He gives a talk on April 26 at 1pm, on "Bayesian inference with generative priors encoded by neural networks".


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