Matter & Complexity
We develop a wide range of studies in the field of Soft Condensed Matter Physics, combining experimental work with theory and numerical simulations. Our research interests focus essentially on the mechanical and rheological properties of a large (...) Read more
Waves, Flows and Fluctuations
This team tackles experimentally, theoretically and numerically the effect of non linearities or fluctuations in the dynamics of several out-of-equilibrium phenomenons. Among the current topics, let us cite hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence, (...) Read more
SIgnals, SYstems & PHysics
L'esprit des travaux de l'équipe SiSyPhe réside dans l'interaction entre l'analyse de signaux expérimentaux issus d'expériences réelles et le développement de solutions théoriques pour des problèmes d'analyse de données et traitement du (...) Read more
Theoretical Physics
This group studies different theoretical subjects, going from statistical physics to mathematical physics and condensed matter physics. This thematical diversity leads to many fruitful collaborations with the other teams of the laboratory. In (...) Read more