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PhD day 2014 Organization


May 15, 2014 à 09:00 AM


ENS de Lyon, Amphi Schrödinger


Journée des doctorants de chimie de l'ENS de Lyon / PhD day 2014

This meeting only concerns LCENS and CRMN members and their guests.


Printable program   WORD  PDF  



Date : Wednesday, May 22th 2014

TLocation : Schrödinger amphi (oral présentation) and LR6 (Poster session)

                 ENS de Lyon, Site Monod, 46 allée d'Italie, métro Debourd

Speakers : 2nd year PhD students

Posters : 3rd and 4th year PhD students

(1st year PhD students will present their work later, during the master day)

Language : English (presentations and posters)


  1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
LCENS 11 9 12 0

Number of PhD students


To be done

2nd and 3rd year PhD student should send a title and a summary to before May 12th, after validation by their supervisor. These documents will be kept within internal diffusion.

Please do not send me a nice PDF document but a word or even text edit document. Have the figure in a separate file.

Oral presentation must start by a clear general presentation of the field for non specialist (put your work in perspective): 1/3 or the time for oral présentations and 1/2 of the time for poster presentations.

Posters should have a picture of the presenting student close to his/her name.