Comparison of lipidome profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans-results from an inter-laboratory ring trial.
Metabolomics, 17(3):25.
INTRODUCTION: Lipidomic profiling allows 100s if not 1000s of lipids in a sample tobe detected and quantified. Modern lipidomics techniques are ultra-sensitive assaysthat enable the discovery of novel biomarkers in a variety of fields and provide newinsight in mechanistic investigations. Despite much progress in lipidomics, thereremains, as for all high throughput "omics" strategies, the need to developstrategies to standardize and integrate quality control into studies in order toenhance robustness, reproducibility, and usability of studies within specific fieldsand beyond. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to understand how much results from lipid profilingin the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans are influenced by different cultureconditions in different laboratories. METHODS: In this work we have undertaken aninter-laboratory study, comparing the lipid profiles of N2 wild type C. elegans anddaf-2(e1370) mutants lacking a functional insulin receptor. Sample were collectedfrom worms grown in four separate laboratories under standardized growth conditions.We used an UPLC-UHR-ToF-MS system allowing chromatographic separation before MSanalysis. RESULTS: We found common qualitative changes in several marker lipids insamples from the individual laboratories. On the other hand, even in this controlledexperimental system, the exact fold-changes for each marker varied betweenlaboratories. CONCLUSION: Our results thus reveal a serious limitation to thereproducibility of current lipid profiling experiments and reveal challenges to theintegration of such data from different laboratories.
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