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Regulation of Genome Architecture and Dynamics of Splicing (ReGArDS) - D. Auboeuf / C. Bourgeois

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Chromatin Dynamics in Mitotic Chromosome Assembly - P. Bernard

The ability of the genome to adopt a dynamic 3D organisation underlies most DNA transactions. The profound reorganisation of long chromatin fibres (...) Lire la suite

Unconventional modes of DNA maintenance and transmission - M. Delattre

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Quantitative regulatory genomics - M. Francesconi

Pourquoi les individus sont-ils différents ? Nous abordons cette question fondamentale en étudiant les sources génétiques et non génétiques de (...) Lire la suite

Systems Biology of Decision Making - O. Gandrillon

The molecular mechanisms controlling decision making at the cellular level between self-renewal and differentiation are still poorly understood. The (...) Lire la suite

Epithelial differentiation and morphogenesis in Drosophila - M. Grammont

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Régulation Post-transcriptionnelle dans l'Infection et l'Oncogenèse - Jalinot/Mocquet

Our main research interest is to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying oncogenesis, with a particular interest in the role of genetic (...) Lire la suite

Mort Cellulaire Régulée et Génétique de la Neurodégénerescence - B. Mollereau

The general goal of our lab is to understand the mechanisms of cell death, ER stress, autophagy and metabolism during development and in (...) Lire la suite

Epigenetic regulation of cell identity and environmental stress responses - F. Palladino

We are interested in how epigenetic regulation contributes to germline function and organismal homeostasis in C. elegans. For this, we combine (...) Lire la suite

Comparative and Integrative Genomics of Organ Development - S.Pantalacci/M. Semon

We compare genomes and transcriptomes to highlight general rules about the development and/or the evolution of organs. Lire la suite

Métabolisme des ARNs au cours de la réponse immunitaire et de l’infection - E. Ricci

We are interested in post-transcriptional control mechanisms that regulate gene expression in cells of the immune system and during pathogen (...) Lire la suite

Complexité Génétique des Systèmes Vivants - G. Yvert

Notre équipe étudie les mécanismes génétiques fondamentaux responsables des différences observables entre individus de la même espèce. (...) Lire la suite

Epigénétique et Formation du Zygote - B. Loppin

The formation of a diploid zygote from two highly different gametes is a critical aspect of sexual reproduction in animals. Notably, the transmission (...) Lire la suite

Biologie physique de la Chromatine - D. Jost

En lien étroit avec les expériences, notre recherche aborde des questions biologiques génériques ou spécifiques sur la chromatine et la (...) Lire la suite

Mécanique du génome - A. Piazza

DNA is a busy molecule teeming with a zoo of static binders and molecular motors. DNA's informational, structural, and organizational properties are (...) Lire la suite

Complexité, plasticité et rôles des miARNs - K. Jouravleva

We elucidate the mechanism of modular layer of post-transcriptional control formed by miRNAs, which confers developmental robustness and enables (...) Lire la suite

Dynamics and Control of Biological Assemblies and Macromolecular Machines - J. Martin / R. Pellarin

We are a horizontal team of four researchers in computational biology. We study molecular machines and assemblies at different scales (atomistic, (...) Lire la suite