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This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 28 references in this bibliography folder.

Bernard, P, Maure, JF, Partridge, JF, Genier, S, Javerzat, JP, and Allshire, RC (2001).
Requirement of heterochromatin for cohesion at centromeres.
Science, 294(5551):2539-42.

Javerzat, JP, McGurk, G, Cranston, G, Barreau, C, Bernard, P, Gordon, C, and Allshire, R (1999).
Defects in components of the proteasome enhance transcriptional silencing at fission yeast centromeres and impair chromosome segregation.
Mol Cell Biol, 19(7):5155-65.

Bernard, P, Hardwick, K, and Javerzat, JP (1998).
Fission yeast bub1 is a mitotic centromere protein essential for the spindle checkpoint and the preservation of correct ploidy through mitosis.
J Cell Biol, 143(7):1775-87.

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