This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 42 references in this bibliography folder.
Hayden, L, Lochovska, K, Semon, M, Renaud, S, Delignette-Muller, M, Vilcot, M, Peterkova, R, Hovorakova, M, and Pantalacci, S
Developmental variability channels mouse molar evolution.
Elife, 9.
Rey, C, Lanore, V, Veber, P, Gueguen, L, Lartillot, N, Semon, M, and Boussau, B
Detecting adaptive convergent amino acid evolution.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 374(1777):20180234.
Sadier, A, Twarogowska, M, Steklíková, k, Hayden, L, Lambert, A, Schneider, P, Laudet, V, Hovorakova, M, Calvez, V, and Pantalacci, S
Modeling Edar expression reveals the hidden dynamics of tooth signaling center patterning
PLOS Biology, 17:e3000064.
Salis, P, Lorin, T, Lewis, V, Rey, C, Marcionetti, A, Escande, M, Roux, N, Besseau, L, Salamin, N, Semon, M, Parichy, D, Volff, J, and Laudet, V
Developmental and comparative transcriptomic identification of iridophore contribution to white barring in clownfish.
Pigment Cell Melanoma Res.
Rey, C, Gueguen, L, Semon, M, and Boussau, B
Accurate detection of convergent amino-acid evolution with PCOC.
Mol Biol Evol.
Rey, C, Veber, P, Boussau, B, and Semon, M
CAARS: comparative assembly and annotation of RNA-Seq data.
Valfort, A, Launay, C, Semon, M, and Delattre, M
Evolution of mitotic spindle behavior during the first asymmetric embryonic division of nematodes.
PLoS Biol, 16(1):e2005099.
Vial, J, Royet, A, Cassier, P, Tortereau, A, Dinvaut, S, Maillet, D, Gratadou-Hupon, L, Creveaux, M, Sadier, A, Tondeur, G, Leon, S, Depaepe, L, Pantalacci, S, de la Fouchardiere, A, Micheau, O, Dalle, S, Laudet, V, Mehlen, P, and Castets, M
The Ectodysplasin receptor EDAR acts as a tumor suppressor in melanoma by conditionally inducing cell death.
Cell Death Differ.
Pallares, LF, Ledevin, R, Pantalacci, S, Turner, LM, Steingrimsson, E, and Renaud, S
Genomic regions controlling shape variation in the first upper molar of the house mouse.
Elife, 6.
Pantalacci, S, Gueguen, L, Petit, C, Lambert, A, Peterkova, R, and Semon, M
Transcriptomic signatures shaped by cell proportions shed light on comparative developmental biology.
Genome Biol, 18(1):29.
Pouyet, F, Mouchiroud, D, Duret, L, and Semon, M
Recombination, meiotic expression and human codon usage.
Elife, 6.
Renvoise, E, Kavanagh, KD, Lazzari, V, Hakkinen, TJ, Rice, R, Pantalacci, S, Salazar-Ciudad, I, and Jernvall, J
Mechanical constraint from growing jaw facilitates mammalian dental diversity.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(35):9403-9408.
Kao, D, Lai, AG, Stamataki, E, Rosic, S, Konstantinides, N, Jarvis, E, Di Donfrancesco, A, Pouchkina-Stancheva, N, Semon, M, Grillo, M, Bruce, H, Kumar, S, Siwanowicz, I, Le, A, Lemire, A, Eisen, MB, Extavour, C, Browne, WE, Wolff, C, Averof, M, Patel, NH, Sarkies, P, Pavlopoulos, A, and Aboobaker, A
The genome of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis, a model for animal development, regeneration, immunity and lignocellulose digestion.
Elife, 5.
Urdy, S, Goudemand, N, and Pantalacci, S
Looking Beyond the Genes: The Interplay Between Signaling Pathways and Mechanics in the Shaping and Diversification of Epithelial Tissues.
Curr Top Dev Biol, 119:227-90.
Chatagnon, A, Veber, P, Morin, V, Bedo, J, Triqueneaux, G, Semon, M, Laudet, V, d'Alche-Buc, F, and Benoit, G
RAR/RXR binding dynamics distinguish pluripotency from differentiation associated cis-regulatory elements.
Nucleic Acids Res, 43(10):4833-54.
Pantalacci, S and Semon, M
Transcriptomics of developing embryos and organs: A raising tool for evo-devo.
J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol, 324(4):363-71.
Sadier, A, Lambert, E, Chevret, P, Decimo, D, Semon, M, Tohme, M, Ruggiero, F, Ohlmann, T, Pantalacci, S, and Laudet, V
Tinkering signaling pathways by gain and loss of protein isoforms: the case of the EDA pathway regulator EDARADD.
BMC Evol Biol, 15:129.
Sadier, A, Viriot, L, Pantalacci, S, and Laudet, V
The ectodysplasin pathway: from diseases to adaptations.
Trends Genet, 30(1):24-31.
Semon, M, Schubert, M, and Laudet, V
Programmed genome rearrangements: in lampreys, all cells are not equal.
Curr Biol, 22(16):R641-3.
Campo-Paysaa, F, Semon, M, Cameron, RA, Peterson, KJ, and Schubert, M
microRNA complements in deuterostomes: origin and evolution of microRNAs.
Evol Dev, 13(1):15-27.
Renaud, S, Pantalacci, S, and Auffray, J
Differential evolvability along lines of least resistance of upper and lower molars in island house mice.
PLoS One, 6(5):e18951.
Koop, D, Holland, ND, Semon, M, Alvarez, S, de Lera, AR, Laudet, V, Holland, LZ, and Schubert, M
Retinoic acid signaling targets Hox genes during the amphioxus gastrula stage: insights into early anterior-posterior patterning of the chordate body plan.
Dev Biol, 338(1):98-106.
Magee, AM, Aspinall, S, Rice, DW, Cusack, BP, Semon, M, Perry, AS, Stefanovic, S, Milbourne, D, Barth, S, Palmer, JD, Gray, JC, Kavanagh, TA, and Wolfe, KH
Localized hypermutation and associated gene losses in legume chloroplast genomes.
Genome Res, 20(12):1700-10.
Pasco-Viel, E, Charles, C, Chevret, P, Semon, M, Tafforeau, P, Viriot, L, and Laudet, V
Evolutionary trends of the pharyngeal dentition in Cypriniformes (Actinopterygii: Ostariophysi).
PLoS One, 5(6):e11293.
Prochazka, J, Pantalacci, S, Churava, S, Rothova, M, Lambert, A, Lesot, H, Klein, O, Peterka, M, Laudet, V, and Peterkova, R
Patterning by heritage in mouse molar row development.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(35):15497-502.
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