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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Systems Biology of Decision Making - O. Gandrillon / Thèmes de recherche / 1. Towards a dynamic multiscale vision of cancer processes: neuroblastomas as a case study

1. Towards a dynamic multiscale vision of cancer processes: neuroblastomas as a case study


This project is lead by Olivier Gandrillon

There have been many calls throughout the literature to embrace a new dynamical view of cell decision making. This involve modelling cell decision as a multiscale dynamical process encompassing from molecular to cellular to tissue-level influences, and their interactions. There has been a natural extension of this framework to analyze the generation of cancerous cells, which we will explore in the present project. As a model system, we will explore the use of Patients-Derived Organoids (PDOs, also called tumoroids) from children suffering from neuroblastomas. We aim at obtaining a multiscale model of clinically relevant tumors, associating a molecular level (described as probabilistic Gene Regulatory Networks) to a cellular level (thanks to single-cell RNAseq) up to a tissue-based description (by the use of spatial transcriptomics). In order to fulfill this aim, we will make use of a unique combination of 3D PDOs cultures, single cell transcriptomics and state of the art stochastic modelling approaches.

This is a work in collaboration with Laura Broutier (CRCL).