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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Systems Biology of Decision Making - O. Gandrillon / Thèmes de recherche / 2. MUSICS: MUltiScale Interacting Cell Systems

2. MUSICS: MUltiScale Interacting Cell Systems


This project is lead by Olivier Gandrillon for its LBMC part.

MUltiScale Interacting Cell Systems, or MUSICS, is an newly created Inria team at the Centre Inria de Lyon devoted to the multiscale modelling and analysis of cellular dynamics. It is jointly supported by members of the ICJ (Institut Camille Jordan, University Lyon 1, CNRS and Inria), and the LBMC (ENS Lyon, CNRS) under the leadership of Thomas Lepoutre (Inria and ICJ). MUSICS inherits in part the staff and the research topics of the late Inria team Dracula, headed by Mostafa Adimy, that was set up in 2011.