
Welcome to the companion page of our publication:


Nagarajan et al. 2010. PLoS Genetics. Natural Single-Nucleosome Epi-Polymorphisms in Yeast.




DATASET              SYNOPSIS          SOFTWARE


We are happy to share the dataset produced in this study, together with some compiled data files. Our only restriction is that you cite us in any correspondance arising from the use of this material. Nucleosome mapping and H3K14ac ChIP-CHIP datasets were produced with Affymetrix Tiling Arrays. Note that these arrays are different from arrays YTR1.0 of Affymetrix catalog. The arrays used in our study are those referenced in David L, Huber W, Granovskaia M, Toedling J, Palm CJ, et al. (2006) A high-resolution map of transcription in the yeast genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103: 5320-5325.


The 18 raw microarray .CEL files are available from the EMBL ArrayExpress repository under accession number E-MEXP-1777.


In addition you can download this archive [ 622 Mo ] which contains files describing:

- Atlas of nucleosome positions in BY and RM

- Alignments of nucleosomes

- SNEP detection scores for all aligned nucleosomes

- Variousmatrix of hybridization intensities, either raw or normalized.

- Genome alignments

Please see the included README.txt file for details.