
Fondants Chauds au Chocolat

(for 8 fondants)



Melt 200g of chocolate in a bain-marie and keep another 80g in 8 small pieces.

Add to the melted chocolate 100g of butter, homogenize.

Add 6 eggs, homogenize.

Add 150g of powder sugar, homogenize,

Add 50g of flour; homogenize.


Butter 8 ramekins. Fill two thirds of each one with the mixture. Add a piece of chocolate in each ramekin. Pour the rest of the mixture.


Warm-up an oven to 240°C.


Bake the ramekin 10 minutes, serve immediately. Caution: Hot!





Tips for U.S. located cooks: We know dark chocolate is a very difficult item to find in food stores. We noticed that Trader Joe's sometimes imports good one. Try to find chocolate with at least 50% cocoa. More is better.  And avoid industrial so-called 'chocolate' that is often mainly sugar with flavorings.