Analyses of social and human activities
The avalanche of digital data tracing social activities opens the way to combine data analysis and modeling with social science studies. Along this line, we study data representing human interaction or behaviour, or date pertaining to transportation (e.g., BSS or traffic on roads); in all these cases, the dynamics of the data (for instance of the networks uwed to represent them) is crucial and tailored methods are developed leveraging on methods in physics and/or signal processing.
Located in
SIgnals, SYstems & PHysics
Research Topics
Fluid turbulence, quantum fluids
La turbulence des fluides et le traitement du signal sont des domaines intimement liés. D'une part, les mesures expérimentales d'un écoulement turbulent, et les simulations numériques des équations de Navier-Stokes, ont bénéficié des techniques et développements de la science du signal. D'une autre part, la nécessité de prendre en compte l'aspect multidimensionel des grandeurs liées à la turbulence, et la volonté de construire des modèles aléatoires capables de rendre en compte des statistiques particulières observées dans les écoulements, est un territoire fécond pour le développement d'approches multivariées des signaux. L'équipe Sisyphe depuis longtemps s'attèle à développer ce domaine pluridisciplinaire.
Located in
SIgnals, SYstems & PHysics
Research Topics
Internet traffic and networks
The team has studied the statistics of the IP trafic over the Internet networks, both from modeling and experimental (monitoring) points of view. Results about the statistics of IP traffic were obtained (such models with Long Range Correlations) and pratical applications such as classifaction of traffic and host or anomaly detection were developed.
Located in
SIgnals, SYstems & PHysics
Research Topics
Statistical physics, signal processing and information theory
We apply concepts from Statistical Physics, nonlinear Physics and Information Theory to define or refine signal processing tools.
Located in
SIgnals, SYstems & PHysics
Research Topics
Home Made Instrumentation
Our team has a strong tradition in developing new instrumentations. Cutting-edge instruments are developed in collaboration with our workshops and cover a broad range of subject including optical tweezers, instrumented particles, plasmon microscopy, ultra-low noise measurements, enhanced force AFM.
Located in
Waves, Flows and Fluctuations
Research Topics
Hydrodynamics and Turbulence
Our team has a strong expertise on several aspects of hydrodynamics and turbulence, mixing theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. We are focusing on internal waves and rotating fluid, acoustic spectroscopy of turbulence, particle motions in turbulent flows, thermal convection, MHD and plasma turbulence.
Located in
Waves, Flows and Fluctuations
Research Topics
Physics of biological systems
We explore two different tracks in the physics of biological systems: an combined experimental and theoretical approach in the quest of new diagnostic tools of cancers thought the correlation between viscoelastic mechanical properties and pathology, and a theoretical study of non-linear synchronizations in organs and tissues.
Located in
Waves, Flows and Fluctuations
Research Topics
Statistical physics and non-linear modeling
Our team tackles theoretically several subjects where non-linearities trigger unusual properties in statistical physics: systems with long range interactions, geophysical turbulent flows, climate dynamics…
Located in
Waves, Flows and Fluctuations
Research Topics
Quantum Physics
Our team uses quantum devices and matter to engineer and demonstrate various non-classical physical phenomena using superconducting and superfluid matter.
Located in
Waves, Flows and Fluctuations
Research Topics