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UMR 5672

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Résultats de recherche

Il y a 19 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
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Physique des systèmes biologiques
We explore two different tracks in the physics of biological systems: an combined experimental and theoretical approach in the quest of new diagnostic tools of cancers thought the correlation between viscoelastic mechanical properties and pathology, and a theoretical study of non-linear synchronizations in organs and tissues.
Rattaché à Équipes / Ondes, Ecoulements et Fluctuations / Thèmes de recherche
Théorèmes de fluctuation et bruit thermique
In out of equilibrium or mesoscopic systems, fluctuations play an important role and provide a unique tool to probe the underlying physics. Our team develops various experiments to measure directly this noise and test statistical physics approaches : fluctuations theorems, nano-mechanics, confined phase transitions…
Rattaché à Équipes / Ondes, Ecoulements et Fluctuations / Thèmes de recherche
Physique statistique et modéles non-linéaires
Our team tackles theoretically several subjects where non-linearities trigger unusual properties in statistical physics: systems with long range interactions, geophysical turbulent flows, climate dynamics…
Rattaché à Équipes / Ondes, Ecoulements et Fluctuations / Thèmes de recherche
Our team has a strong tradition in developing new instrumentations. Cutting-edge instruments are developed in collaboration with our workshops and cover a broad range of subject including optical tweezers, instrumented particles, plasmon microscopy, ultra-low noise measurements, enhanced force AFM.
Rattaché à Équipes / Ondes, Ecoulements et Fluctuations / Thèmes de recherche
Physique quantique
Divers phénomènes au delà de la physique classique sont étudiés dans des systèmes quantiques impliquant de la matière supraconductrice ou superfluide.
Rattaché à Équipes / Ondes, Ecoulements et Fluctuations / Thèmes de recherche
Hydrodynamique et Turbulence
Our team has a strong expertise on several aspects of hydrodynamics and turbulence, mixing theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. We are focusing on internal waves and rotating fluid, acoustic spectroscopy of turbulence, particle motions in turbulent flows, thermal convection, MHD and plasma turbulence.
Rattaché à Équipes / Ondes, Ecoulements et Fluctuations / Thèmes de recherche
Physique mathématique
A. Alastuey, F. Delduc, M. Geiller, K. K. Kozlowski, G. Niccoli, E. Livine, M. Magro, J. M. Maillet, H. Samtleben
Rattaché à Équipes / Physique Théorique / Thèmes de recherche
Matière condensée
D. Carpentier, P. Degiovanni, P. Delplace, A. Fedorenko, P. Holdsworth, F. Mezzacapo, E. Orignac, T. Roscilde, L. Savary.
Rattaché à Équipes / Physique Théorique / Thèmes de recherche
Physique statistique
This theme is historically one of the first research area of the laboratory, and it actually gathers activities being conducted in several groups. It is characterized by frequent and fruitful collaborations between theoreticians and experimentalists within the laboratory. Statistical physics is devoted to the study of the collective and macroscopic behavior of systems composed of a large number of elementary entities that interact one with the other. One speaks of "complex system" when the dynamics, or the structures that appears within the system, exhibit a rich variety of behaviors, while the microscopic entities the system is made of, and the interactions between these entities, are a priori simple. It may be noticed that the sensitivity to the initial conditions, as well as the large number of possible evolutions, play a major role in the emergence of non-trivial collective behaviors in such systems.
Rattaché à Équipes / Physique Théorique / Thèmes de recherche