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You are here: Home / Seminars / Colloquium / Nano-Optomechanical Systems for Fundamental Physics and Ultra-Sensitive Applications

Nano-Optomechanical Systems for Fundamental Physics and Ultra-Sensitive Applications

Pierre Verlot (ILM, Lyon)
When Nov 20, 2017
from 11:00 to 12:00
Where Amphi. Schrödinger
Attendees Pierre Verlot
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Optomechanics is the field of Physics which investigates the reciprocal interactions between light and mechanical motion. Originally introduced as a theoretical support for modelling the elementary processes of interferometric measurement, this domain has known a rapid expansion in the mid 90’s, with the emergence of a of a number of ultra-sensitive experiments, some of which having recently stepped in the quantum regime of the optomechanical interaction.

At present, optomechanical research is facing the outstanding challenge to perform truly non-classical quantum tests at the macroscopic scale (e.g. preparing phononic Fock-states, photon-phonon entangled states, etc…). However, this requires the development of systems with much decreased sensitivity towards decoherence mechanisms, notably those related to mechanical dissipation. Besides and importantly, this on-going technological campaign is producing increasingly sensitive devices, which can be used for sensing applications far beyond the scope of fundamental optomechanics, e.g. scanning probe, force microscopy, mass spectroscopy, etc…

In this talk, I will present our novel approach, which enables unprecedentedly low levels of thermal noise at room temperature. I will discuss some of the possible fundamental limitations of our system and future directions towards quantum operation at room temperature. I will also present an original “nano-optomechafluidics” application we are currently developing, based on vibrating nano-channels that are coupled to strongly focused coherent light, with the perspective to study fluid properties in unprecedented conditions.

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