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Thanks to ENS de Lyon IT team, everything seems OK (apart for a few already handled hickups).
ENS de Lyon DSI (IT team) announced a physical firewalls upgrade tomorrow (02-10-2024) starting at 16:00.
It will be a total cutoff of all ENSL networks (inclugind PSMN's) for a few hours…
EDIT 2024-09-25, 13h00: It was a DDoS on ESR IP classes. It's filtered.
EDIT 14h00:
Official communication: (translated quote) “Starting this early morning, we are experiencing a lot of slowliness and/or cutoff on the main input/output ENSL network. All tools and external network zones are impacted.”
PSMN's gateways are impacted.
A study on the energy awareness of users in the HPC field is looking for participants:
(survey + serious game)
The ENSL gateway (ssh.ens-lyon.fr) is DOWN, following multiples incidents.
Despite all efforts from ENSL IT (in reduced staffing for the summer), the service will not be restored until 19th of august, at best.
PSMN own gateway (ssh.psmn.ens-lyon.fr) is still working (for now, fingers crossed).