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20240502 / Reminder

Pour rappel : l'usage de nos formulaires web n'est PAS optionnel, c'est notre moyen de créer et suivre nos tickets d'intervention. Merci d'y penser pour la prochaine fois.

As a reminder: the use of our web forms is NOT optional, it is our way of creating and tracking our intervention tickets. Thank you for using it next time.

Formulaires du PSMN

2024/05/02 10:13 · ltaulell

20240425 / Energy crisis

As a test, starting tonight, following partitions will no longer start jobs between 6h and 22h (on hold, PartitionDown).

Jobs will only be started at night. Running jobs will continue running.

In test : E5 Lake Lake-bigmem Epyc Cascade

2024/04/25 13:41 · ltaulell

20240422 / Energy crisis

Due to “high pressure from above & outside”, we are going to reduce PSMN's energy footprint by any means possible.

Changes are applied starting today. More info will come later.

2024/04/22 07:04 · ltaulell

20240410 / scratch/Cral on Cascade

We are changing RAM modules on one of /scratch/Cral servers. Files and directories may act weirdly for a few moments.

EDIT 11:45: done. Back to norminal.

2024/04/10 08:11 · ltaulell

20240408 / scratch/Cral on Cascade

One of scratch/Cral servers is having hardware issues, getting it to protected mode. Hence 1/4 of files disappearing momentarely. We know, we're on it. It might take a few days to resolve.

2024/04/08 11:52 · ltaulell
news/blog.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/08/25 15:58 de