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science:publications:accueil [2022/05/31 09:43] – [2022] ccalugarscience:publications:accueil [2024/05/17 09:19] (Version actuelle) – [2024] ccalugar
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 **Les publications sont listées "en vrac". Retrouvez ci-dessous celles pour l'année en cours :** **Les publications sont listées "en vrac". Retrouvez ci-dessous celles pour l'année en cours :**
-===== 2022 =====+===== 2024 =====
-   * **  Lucas MéthivierRomane BraunFrancesca ChillàJulien Salort **, Turbulent transition in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with fluorocarbon, **//EPL,  Europhysics Letters, Volume 136Number 1, Turbulent Thermal Convection //**, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/ac34d4 (2022)+   * ** Guillaume Le BretonOriane BonhommeEmmanuel BenichouClaire Loison **, FROG: Exploiting all-atom molecular dynamics trajectories to calculate linear and non-linear optical responses of molecular liquids within Dalton’s QM/MM polarizable embedding scheme, **//J. Chem. Phys. 160194103//**, 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0203424)
-   * **  Cecilia Herrero, Michael De San Féliciano, Samy Merabia, Laurent Joly **, Fast and versatile thermo-osmotic flows with a pinch of salt, **//Nanoscale 14, 626 //**, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1NR06998E (2022) 
-   * ** Steinmann S.N., Michel C. **, How to Gain Atomistic Insights on Reactions at the Water/Solid Interface?, **//ACS Catalysis//**, DOI:10.1021/ACSCATAL.2C00594 (2022)+===== 2023 =====
-   * **  Rey J.Clabaut P., Réocreux R., Steinmann S.N., Michel C. **, Transferable Gaussian Attractive Potentials for Organic/Oxide Interfaces, **//JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C//**, DOI:10.1021/ACS.JPCC.2C00998 (2022)+   * ** Yanick RicardThierry Alboussière **, Compressible convection in super-earths, **//Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 341, 107062//**, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.15153)
-   * **   Rey J.Blanck S.Clabaut P., Loehle S., Steinmann S.N., Michel C. **, Transferable Gaussian Attractive Potentials for Organic/Oxide Interfaces, **//JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Volume125, Issue38, Page10843-10853//**, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c05156 (2022)+   * ** Guillaume Le BretonOriane BonhommeEmmanuel Benichou and Claire Loison **, Liquid Water: When Hyperpolarizability Fluctuations Boost and Reshape the Second Harmonic Scattering Intensities, **//American Chemical Society//**,  April 27, 2023 ( https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00546 )
-   * **   Farcy M.Rosdahl J.Dubois Y.Blaizot J.Martin-Alvarez S. **, Radiation-magnetohydrodynamics simulations of cosmic ray feedback in disc galaxies, **//Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 513, Issue 4, pp.5000-5019//**, DOI:10.1093/mnras/stac1196 (2022)+   * ** Anaïs TerrienKeyvan RahgoshayEmelyne RenagliaNathalie Lensen, Yves JacquotRodrigue Marquant, Thierry Brigaud, Claire Loison, Grégory Chaume, and Emeric Miclet **,  Inviting C5-Trifluoromethylated Pseudoprolines into Collagen Mimetic Peptides**//American Chemical Society//**, February 14, 2023 ( https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.2c01242 
-   * **  Charlet A.Walder R.Marcowith A.Folini D.Favre J. M.Dieckmann M. E. **, Effects of radiative losses on the relativistic jets of high-mass microquasars, **//Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 658, id.A10027 pp.//**, DOI:10.1051/0004-6361/202141730(2022)+   * ** FenschJérémyBournaud FrédéricBrucy NoéDubois YohanHennebelle PatrickRosdahl Joakim **,  Inviting C5-Universal gravity-driven isothermal turbulence cascade in disk galaxies, **//Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 672, id.A19312 pp//**, April 2023, (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/link_gateway/2023A&A...672A.193F/doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202245491
-   * ** Gkotsinas A., Guilbert-Lepoutre A., Raymond S. N., Nesvorny D.**, Thermal Processing of Jupiter-family Comets during Their Chaotic Orbital Evolution, **//The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 928(1):43 (12pp)//**, DOI:10.3847/1538-4357/ac54ac (2022)+   * ** Maxime MCTortora and Daniel Jost **, Orientational Wetting and Topological Transitions in Confined Solutions of Semiflexible Polymers, **//Macromolecules 56:1339-1351 //**, (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.2c02350), 2023 
 +===== 2022 =====
-   * ** Martin TianoChloé CourduriéPauline Colinet**, Predicting the modulation of UV-vis absorption and emission of mono-substituted pyrido [2, 3, 4-kl] acridines by electronic density variations analysis , **//Computational and Theoretical Chemistry1137332022//**, (2022)+   * **  Bonnet GibetV. MichautC., Wieczorek, M., & Lognonné, P. **, A positive feedback between crustal thickness and melt extraction for the origin of the Martian dichotomy, **//Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets127e2022JE007472//**, 2022
-   * ** Lulu Bu, Maxime Rémond, Pauline Colinet, Erwan Jeanneau, Tangui Le BahersFrédéric ChaputChantal Andraud, Yann Bretonnière**, Sensitive 1, 1-dicyanovinyl push-pull dye for primary amine sensing in solution by fluorescence, **//Dyes and Pigments 202, 110258//**, (2022)+   * **  Guillaume Le BretonOriane BonhommeEmmanuel Benichou and Claire Loison **,  First hyperpolarizability of water in bulk liquid phase: long-range electrostatic effects included via the second hyperpolarizability, **// Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys//**, 25th July 2022 DOI:10.1039/D2CP00803C 
-===== 2021 =====+   * **  Faustine Henot, Elisa Rioual, Adrien Favier, Pavel Macek, Elodie Crublet, Pierre Josso, Bernhard Brutscher, Matthias Frech, Pierre Gans, Claire Loison & Jerome Boisbouvier **,  Visualizing the transiently populated closed-state of human HSP90 ATP binding domain **//Nature Communications//**,  09 December 2022 ( https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35399-8 ) 
-   * ** Haruki OgaTakeshi OmoriCecilia HerreroSamy MerabiaLaurent Jolyand Yasutaka Yamaguchi* **, Theoretical framework for the atomistic modeling of frequency-dependent liquid-solid friction, **//Phys. Rev. Research 3, L032019 //**, https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.L032019 (2021)+   * **  Julien CoutierManon BonnetteSabrina MartineauAurélie MercadierSophie DominguesManoubia Saidani, Margot Jarrige, Hélène Polveche, Annabelle Darle, Nathalie Holic, Smail Hadj-Rabia, Christine Bodemer, Gilles Lemaitre, Cécile Martinat, Christine Baldeschi **, Human iPSC-derived-keratinocytes, a useful model to identify and explore pathological phenotype of Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex, **//Journal of Investigative Dermatology//**,  28 avr2022 ( doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2022.04.009 )
-   * ** Laurent JolyRobert H. MeißnerMarcella IannuzziGabriele Tocci* **, Osmotic Transport at the Aqueous Graphene and hBN Interfaces: Scaling Laws from a Unified, First Principles Description, **//ACS Nano 15, 15249 //**, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.1c05931 (2021)+   * **  Diana M DincãLouison Lallemant, Anchel González-Barriga, Noémie Cresto, Sandra O Braz, Géraldine Sicot, Laure-Elise Pillet, Hélène Polvèche, Paul Magneron, Aline Huguet-Lachon, Hélène Benyamine, Cuauhtli N Azotla-Vilchis, Luis E Agonizantes-Juárez, Julie Tahraoui-Boris, Cécile Martinat, Oscar Hernández-Hernández, Didier Auboeuf, Nathalie Rouach, Cyril F BourgeoisGeneviève GourdonMário Gomes-Pereira **, Myotonic dystrophy RNA toxicity alters morphology, adhesion and migration of mouse and human astrocytes. Contributed equally, **//Nature Communications//**,  4 juil2022 ( doi 10.1038/s41467-022-31594-9 )
-   * ** Maxime RémondPauline ColinetErwan JeanneauTangui Le BahersChantal AndraudYann Bretonnière**, Detection of X‐Ray Doses with Color‐Changing Hackmanites: Mechanism and Application, **//Dyes and Pigments 193, 109485//**, (2021)+   * **  Sophie TerroneJessica ValatNicolas FontrodonaGuillaume GiraudJean-Baptiste ClaudeEmmanuel Combe, Audrey Lapendry, Hélène Polvèche, Lamya Ben Ameur, Arnaud Duvermy, Laurent Modolo, Pascal Bernard, Franck Mortreux, Didier Auboeuf, Cyril F Bourgeois **, RNA helicase-dependent gene looping impacts messenger RNA processing, **//Nucleic Acids Res.//**,  30 août 2022 doi : 10.1093/nar/gkac717 )
-   * ** Sami VuoriPauline ColinetIsabella NorrboRalph SteiningerTimo SaarinenHeikki PalonenPetriina PaturiLucas CV RodriguesJörg GöttlicherTangui Le BahersMika Lastusaari**Phosphine-based push-pull AIE fluorophores: Synthesisphotophysical propertiesand TD-DFT studies, **//Advanced Optical Materials  9 (20), 2100762//**, (2021)+   * **  Julie Tahraoui-BoriesAntoine MérienAnchel Gonzàlez-BarrigaJeanne LainéCéline LeteurHélène PolvècheAlexandre CarteronJuliette Duchesne De LamotteCamille NicoleauJérome PolentesMargot JarrigeMàrio Gomes-PereiraErwann VentrePauline Poydenot, Denis Furling, Laurent Schaeffer, Claire Legay, Cécile Martinat **, MBNL-dependent impaired development within the neuromuscular system in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1, **//Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol//**,  28 déc. 2022 doi : 10.1111/nan.12876 )
-   * ** Georges MenzildjianAlicia LundMaxim YulikovDavid Gajan, Lorenzo Niccoli, Ganesan Karthikeyan, Gilles Casano, Gunnar Jeschke, Olivier Ouari, Moreno Lelliand Anne Lesage**, Efficient Dynamic Nuclear Polarization up to 230 K with Hybrid BDPA-Nitroxide Radicals at a High Magnetic Field, **//PhysChemB 1254813329–13338//**, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c07307,  (2021)+   * **  Kateryna GolovizninaLuiz Fernando LepreStéphane SabelleAgílio A.H.PáduaMargarida Costa Gomes **, Enhancement of the solubility of organic dyes in aqueous ionic solvents doped with surfactants, **//JMol. Liq., 357118958 //**, DOI:10.1016/j.molliq.2022.118958 (2022)
-   * ** Morison A.Labrosse S., & Choblet G.**, Sublimation-driven convection in Sputnik Planitia on Pluto, **//Nature600(7889), 419–423.//**, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04095-w,  (2021)+   * **  Hossein SalariMarco Di Stefano and Daniel Jost **, Spatial organization of chromosomes leads to heterogeneous chromatin motion and drives the liquidor gel-like dynamical behavior of chromatin, **//Genome Research32: 28-43 //**, https://genome.cshlp.org/content/32/1/28.short (2022)
-   * ** Paul ClabautBenjamin SchweitzerAndreas W. GötzCarine Michel, and Stephan N. Steinmann**, Solvation Free Energies and Adsorption Energies at the Metal/Water Interface from Hybrid Quantum-Mechanical/Molecular Mechanics Simulations, **//J. Chem. Theory Comput. 202016106539–6549//**, https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JCTC.0C00632,  (2021)+   * **  Lucas MéthivierRomane BraunFrancesca ChillàJulien Salort **, Turbulent transition in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with fluorocarbon, **//EPL Europhysics LettersVolume 136, Number 1Turbulent Thermal Convection //**, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/ac34d4 (2022)
-   * ** Christian O. BlancoJoshua SimsDaniel L. NascimentoAlexandre Y. Goudreault, Stephan N. Steinmann, Carine Michel, Deryn E. Fogg**, The Impact of Water on Ru-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis: Potent Deactivating Effects Even at Low Water Concentrations, **//ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 2893–899//**, https://doi.org/10.1021/ACSCATAL.0C04279, (2021)+   * **  Cecilia HerreroMichael De San FélicianoSamy MerabiaLaurent Joly **, Fast and versatile thermo-osmotic flows with a pinch of salt, **//Nanoscale 14626 //**, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1NR06998E (2022)
-   * ** Sigismund TAG. MelissenTangui Le Bahers, Philippe Sautet, Stephan NSteinmann**, What does graphitic carbon nitride really look like? **// Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics//**, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CP06063A, (2021)+   * ** Steinmann S.N., Michel C. **, How to Gain Atomistic Insights on Reactions at the Water/Solid Interface?**//ACS Catalysis//**, DOI:10.1021/ACSCATAL.2C00594 (2022)
-   * ** Sarah BlanckCarles MartíSophie LoehléStephan N. SteinmannCarine Michel**, (Dis)Similarities of adsorption of diverse functional groups over alumina and hematite depending on the surface state, **// The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 154, Issue 8 , 10.1063/5.0038412//**, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0038412, (2021)+   * **  Rey J.Clabaut P.Réocreux R.Steinmann S.N., Michel C. **, Transferable Gaussian Attractive Potentials for Organic/Oxide Interfaces, **//JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C//**, DOI:10.1021/ACS.JPCC.2C00998 (2022)
-   * ** Kamila KaźmierczakPaul Clabaut, Ruben StaubNoémie Perret, Stephan N. Steinmannand Carine Michel**, Designing Active Sites for Structure-Sensitive Reactions via the Generalized Coordination Number: Application to Alcohol Dehydrogenation, **//J. Phys. Chem. C 1251910370–10377//**, https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JPCC.1C01746, (2021)+   * **   Rey J., Blanck S., Clabaut P.Loehle S.Steinmann S.N., Michel C. **, Transferable Gaussian Attractive Potentials for Organic/Oxide Interfaces, **//JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY BVolume125Issue38, Page10843-10853//**, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c05156 (2022)
-   * ** Ruben StaubStephan N.Steinmann**, Efficient recursive least squares solver for rank-deficient matrices, **//Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 399125996//**, https://doi.org/10.1016/J.AMC.2021.125996, (2021)+   * **   Farcy M.Rosdahl J., Dubois Y., Blaizot J., Martin-Alvarez S. **, Radiation-magnetohydrodynamics simulations of cosmic ray feedback in disc galaxies, **//Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 513Issue 4, pp.5000-5019//**, DOI:10.1093/mnras/stac1196 (2022)
-   * ** Carles MartíSarah BlanckRuben StaubSophie LoehléCarine Micheland Stephan NSteinmann**, DockOnSurf: A Python Code for the High-Throughput Screening of Flexible Molecules Adsorbed on Surfaces, **//J. Chem. Inf. Model. 20216173386–3396//**, https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JCIM.1C00256, (2021)+   * **  Charlet A.Walder R.Marcowith A.Folini D.Favre J. M.Dieckmann M. E. **, Effects of radiative losses on the relativistic jets of high-mass microquasars, **//Astronomy & AstrophysicsVolume 658id.A10027 pp.//**, DOI:10.1051/0004-6361/202141730(2022)
-   * ** Nawras AbidiAudrey Bonduelle-Skrzypczakand Stephan N. Steinmann**,  How Stable Are 2H-MoS2 Edges under Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Conditions?,**//The Journal of Physical Chemistry C//**, https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JPCC.1C04492, (2021)+   * ** Gkotsinas A.Guilbert-Lepoutre A.Raymond S. N., Nesvorny D.**, Thermal Processing of Jupiter-family Comets during Their Chaotic Orbital Evolution, **//The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 928(1):43 (12pp)//**, DOI:10.3847/1538-4357/ac54ac (2022)
-   * ** S.BouryT.Peacockand P.Odier **, Experimental generation of axisymmetric internal wave super-harmonics, **//Physical Review Fluids//**, 6:064801 (2021), https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.064801+   * ** Martin TianoChloé CourduriéPauline Colinet**, Predicting the modulation of UV-vis absorption and emission of mono-substituted pyrido [2, 3, 4-kl] acridines by electronic density variations analysis , **//Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 113733, 2022//**, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.comptc.2022.113733 (2022)
-   * ** S. BouryI. SibgatullinE. ErmanyukN. ShmakovaP. OdierS. JoubaudL.R.M. Maasand T. Dauxois **, Vortex cluster arising from an axisymmetric inertial wave attractor, **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics//** (2021)+   * ** Lulu BuMaxime RémondPauline ColinetErwan JeanneauTangui Le BahersFrédéric ChaputChantal AndraudYann Bretonnière**, Sensitive 1, 1-dicyanovinyl push-pull dye for primary amine sensing in solution by fluorescence, **//Dyes and Pigments 202, 110258//**(2022)
-   * ** R. Everaers, N. B. Becker, A. Rosa **, Single-molecule stretching experiments of flexible (wormlike) chain molecules in different ensembles: Theory and a potential application of finite chain length effects to nick-counting in DNA,  **//Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 024903//**, (2021), https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0028777 
-   * ** Vericel A.Gonzalez J.-F.Price D.J., Laibe G., Pinte C. **, **//Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 507, Issue 2//** (2021)pp.2318-2338+   * ** Amith Z Abdulla Cédric Vaillant Daniel Jost**, Painters in chromatin: a unified quantitative framework to systematically characterize epigenome regulation and memory, **//Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue 16, 9 September 2022, Pages 9083–9104//**, (https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkac702)
-   * ** Ralf AurichThomas BuchertMartin J. France and Frank Steiner **, The variance of the CMB temperature gradient: a new signature of a multiply connected Universe, **//Astrophysics, Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics//** (2021) https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.13205.pdf+   * ** Hossein SalariMarco Di Stefano, and Daniel Jost**, Spatial organization of chromosomes leads to heterogeneous chromatin motion and drives the liquid- or gel-like dynamical behavior of chromatin, **//Genome Res. 2022. 32: 28-43//**(https://www.genome.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gr.275827.121)
-   * ** K. GolovizninaZGongMCosta GomesA.A.HPadua **, Extension of the CL&Pol Polarizable Force Field to Electrolytes, Protic Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents, **//J. Chem. Theory Comput. 17//** (2021) 1606–1617, DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.0c01002+   * ** CoustonL. A., Nandaha, J., & Favier, B. **. Competition between Rayleigh-Bénard and horizontal convection. **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics//**(https://amu.hal.science/hal-03938544/document), 2022 
-   * ** J.S. Freeman, K. Goloviznina, H. Li, M. Saunders, G.G. Warr, A.A.H. Pádua, R. Atkin **, Ambient Energy Dispersion and Long Term Stabilisation of Large Graphene Sheets from Graphite Using a Surface Energy Matched Ionic Liquid, **//J. Ion. Liq. 1//** (2021) 100001, DOI: 10.1016/j.jil.2021.100001 
-   * ** Antoine Mérien, Julie Tahraoui-Bories, Michel Cailleret, Jean-Baptiste Dupont, Céline Leteur, Jérôme Polentes, Alexandre Carteron, Hélène Polvèche, Jean-Paul Concordet, Christian Pinset, Margot Jarrige, Denis Furling, Cécile Martinat 
- **, CRISPR gene editing in pluripotent stem cells reveals the function of MBNL proteins during human in vitro myogenesis, **//Human Molecular Genetics//**, 25 juil. 2021, doi : 10.1093/hmg/ddab218 
-   * ** Margot Jarrige, Hélène Polvèche, Alexandre Carteron, Stéphane Janczarski, Marc Peschanski, Didier Auboeuf, Cécile Martinat 
- **, SISTEMA: A large and standardized collection of transcriptome data sets for human pluripotent stem cell research, **//iScience//**, 23 juin 2021, http://sistema.ens-lyon.fr doi : 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102767 
-   * ** Anchel González-Barriga, Louison Lallemant, Diana M. Dincã, Sandra O. Braz, Hélène Polvèche, Paul Magneron, Cédric Pionneau, Aline Huguet-Lachon, Jean-Baptiste Claude, Cerina Chhuon, Ida Chiara Guerrera, Cyril F. Bourgeois, Didier Auboeuf, Geneviève Gourdon and Mário Gomes-Pereira **, Integrative Cell Type-Specific Multi-Omics Approaches Reveal Impaired Programs of Glial Cell Differentiation in Mouse Culture Models of DM1, **//Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience//**, 5 mai 2021, doi: 10.3389/fncel.2021.662035 
-   * ** Mournetas V., Massouridès E., Dupont J._B., Kornobis E., Polvèche H., Jarrige M., Dorval A., Gosselin M., Manousopoulou A., Garbis S., Górecki D., Pinset C. **, Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells: a multi‐omic study of Duchenne myopathy early onset, **//Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle//**, févr 2021, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jcsm.12665 
-   * ** Unicomb, S., Iñiguez, G., Gleeson, J.P. et al. **, Dynamics of cascades on burstiness-controlled temporal networks, **//Nat Commun 12//**, 133 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20398-4 
-===== 2020 ===== 
-   * ** F.Besnard, J.Picao-Osorio, C.Dubois, and M.-A. Félix **, A broad mutational target explains a fast rate of phenotypic evolution,  **//C. R. Landry, Ed.//**, eLife 9: e54928., https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.54928, (2020) 
-   * ** F. Ragone and F. Bouchet **, Computation of extremes values of time averaged observables in climate models with large deviation techniques, **//J. Stat. Phys.//**, pp 1–29, arXiv:1907.05762, (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-019-02429-7 
-   * ** E. Woillez and F. Bouchet **, Transport in Hamiltonian systems with slowly changing phase space structure, **//Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 80//**, 104935, DOI, arXiv:1902.06309, (2020)  
-   * ** C. Herbert, R. Caballero and F. Bouchet **, Atmospheric bistability and abrupt transitions to superrotation: wave-jet resonance and Hadley cell feedbacks, **//Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences//** vol. 77, no. 1, DOI, arXiv:1905.12401,(2020) 
-   * ** F. Bouchet, E. Woillez **, Instantons for the destabilization of the inner Solar System,  **//Phys. Rev. Lett.//**, 125, 021101, DOI, arXiv:1910.04005, This paper has been the subject of a highlight by Nature Review Physics., (2020), https://rdcu.be/b5EI3. 
-   * ** T. Lestang, F. Bouchet, and E. Lévêque **, Rare-event sampling applied to the simulation of extreme mechanical efforts exerted by a turbulent flow on a bluf body, **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics//**, (2020) 895, A19. , DOI, arXiv:2002.10398 
-   * ** Cecilia Agamah, Sami Vuori, Pauline Colinet, Isabella Norrbo, José Miranda de Carvalho, Liana Key Okada Nakamura, Joachim Lindblom, Ludo van Goethem, Axel Emmermann, Timo Saarinen, Tero Laihinen, Eero Laakkonen, Johan Lindén, Jari Konu, Henk Vrielinck, David Van der Heggen, Philippe F Smet, Tangui Le Bahers, Mika Lastusaari **, Hackmanite–the natural glow-in-the-dark material, **//Chemistry of Materials//**, (2020) 
-   * ** Pauline Colinet, Aria Gheeraert, Antton Curutchet, Tangui Le Bahers **, On the Spectroscopic Modeling of Localized Defects in Sodalites by TD-DFT, **//The Journal of Physical Chemistry C//**, 124, 8949-8957 (2020) 
-   * ** P Husseini, D Varma, T Dauxois, S Joubaud, P Odier, M Mathur**, Experimental study on superharmonic wave generation by resonant interaction between internal wave modes, **//Physical Review Fluids//**, 5, 074804 (2020) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.074804 
-   * ** G Davis, T Jamin, J Deleuze, S Joubaud, T Dauxois**, Succession of Resonances to Achieve Internal Wave Turbulence, **//Physical Review Letters//**, 124, 204502 (2020) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.204502 
-   * ** C Madec, B Collin, J John Soundar Jerome, S Joubaud**, Puzzling Bubble Rise Speed Increase in Dense Granular Suspensions, **//Physical Review Letters//**, 125, 078004 (2020) 
-   * ** S Boury, P Odier, T Peacock**, Axisymmetric internal wave transmission and resonant interference in nonlinear stratifications, **//Journal of Fluid Mechanics//**, 886, A8-1 (2020) 
-   * ** A Kobsch, R Caracas**, The critical point and the supercritical state of alkali feldspars: implications for the behavior of the crust during impacts. **//Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Planets 125//** (2020) https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JE006412 
-   * ** C Herrero, G Tocci, S Merabia, L Joly **, Fast increase of nanofluidic slip in supercooled water: the key role of dynamics, **//Nanoscale//**, Issue 39, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR06399A 
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