UMR 5182

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Dr. Etienne Derat

UMR 8232 Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) 4, Place Jussieu / C. 229/ 75005 Paris, France
Quand ?

14/04/2017 à 10:30

Où ?

Grande salle CBP


D. Loffreda

From CH activation to CO2 reduction: Cobalt and Molybdenum reactivity from a computational perspective

Activating CH bonds, reducing protons to dihydrogen or carbon dioxide to formate are basic elementary steps of outmost importance. Various catalytic processes based on these steps were developed in our laboratory or by collaborators, and mechanistic investigations were undertaken to rationalize them. In this talk, I will describe how and why a low-valent cobalt catalyst is performing CH activation in an efficient manner, how a biomimetic molybdenum complex coupled to a photoredox catalyst reduces protons and how a new cobalt complex leads to formate rather than to CO when reducing CO2.